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Materials that Ensure Remote Delivery is as Engaging as the Classroom

More and more organisations are taking a blended approach to learning, combining face-to-face workshops with e-learning and live training delivered remotely.

Which creates a particular challenge. Most of us in the industry believe that training should be engaging, memorable and enjoyable – as well as inspiring and learner led. But many trainers struggle with the question, ‘How can I achieve this if delivering remotely?’

So, we thought we’d highlight a small sample of the training materials we’ve designed that ensure you can achieve fantastic levels of engagement and learner led learning, whenever you deliver training remotely. 

This is a drag and drop activity completed by teams working in breakout rooms. They’re confronted with a series of behaviours and have to discuss and agree whether each belongs in ‘management’ or ‘leadership’. They might decide to allocate a behaviour to both, or a ‘cannot agree’ section instead. 

So, where would you put ‘Asks What and Why’?

What about, ‘Follows the Rules’?

This is a great activity that’s guaranteed to provoke lots of discussion and debate amongst participants about the differences between their management and leadership roles and get them thinking about where they’re currently focusing most of their energy and time.

This story-based activity is, again, completed by participants in teams. How do they rate their hotel experience and what would they write in a review? The results become particularly interesting when the teams come back together and share their results!

A fantastic activity that creates lightbulb moments as participants realise it’s the small, inexpensive differences that really matter and make a huge difference to the customer experience. 

The first of three icebreaker challenges that can be run in isolation, or in sequence to gradually increase the degree of challenge. 

Teams work against the clock to identify the card that matches the description they’re given. As the activity progresses, they’ll have less time, so they’ll not only need attention to detail and accuracy skills, but great teamwork too.

One of the many team building games we’ve created or re-created for remote delivery! It tests a whole host of skills including time management, resource management, attention to detail, teamwork, communication, problem solving and much more. 

Teams race against the clock (and each other if you have multiple teams) to find the missing treasure by solving riddles and puzzles and then working out what to do with the answers!

This one can be particularly effective when used with existing teams – as it’ll illustrate their strengths, areas for development and the contribution individuals can or do make.

A board game that can be facilitated remotely with exciting graphics and gameplay! 

Teams are presented with a series of real-world challenges and progress by identifying an effective strategy for managing that challenge. 

But, beware, if another team thinks they have a better approach, they can play a diversion card and steal the move! 

Another activity that ensures retention because it’s different, fun, and engaging. And because everything in the game is based on real scenarios managers have faced, it will result in learning that participants will be able to immediately implement back in the workplace.  

Our recommended platform for hosting this game is Miro but it can also be run using a whiteboard in Zoom or Teams, or even using a shared PowerPoint slide.

If you’d like to know more about how to use Miro, we’ve created a simple introductory user guide here.

So, there you have it. Just 5 from the library of 229 remote delivery course modules, icebreakers, review activities, team building games and workshops we’ve created to ensure training delivered virtually need never be dull, PowerPoint heavy or hard work for the facilitator! 

Want to find out more? Get in touch today to arrange a tour, or book yourself on our showcase workshop!

Until next time...

October 8 2024Rod Webb

Rod Webb

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