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Tuesday Insight: It doesn’t matter how good the oven is if…

Imagine you’ve decided to open a restaurant. You’ve invested in the latest all singing, all dancing oven. It’s got wizzles and dizzles, and LED-encrusted gizmos. It’s got fusion induction and badgets that no one knows the purpose of. It’s the bee’s knees!

You promote your new state of the art kitchen and watch the crowds forming outside your restaurant. 

And then you suddenly realise you don’t have any actual ingredients, or a recipe.

Or that the ingredients are nothing better than a soggy ready-made meal and some frozen chips. 

Never mind, you think, you’ve got a garden; you can grow your own ingredients organically. Full of renewed energy you start scraping away at the weeds and bracken in your back yard to clear a space to sow. 


Except, you’ve already got a queue of hungry customers, nothing to give them and, no matter how fertile your garden, it’s going to take years to cultivate enough stuff to feed them all. 

And that’s without considering the impact of climate change that threatens to disrupt your wonderful horticultural plans at any minute.

This is the approach I see some organisations taking to Learning and Development. I regularly come across those that have invested tens of thousands of pounds in the flashiest of Learning Management Systems, like our excited chef, and then balk at the idea of spending a fraction of that on what is probably the biggest and best library of engaging, experiential training content on the planet. (I refer of course to Trainers’ Library.)

“We haven’t got the budget for content”, they say. Or, “We’ve got the skills to create our own content.” And so they invest their time and money slowly doing that - when they could be out front serving their customers and delivering real change for the organisations they work in.

And all the time, the excitement that enflamed their shiny project evaporates like the steam from a pot of water that’s quietly boiling dry on the stove.

So, next time you find yourself in the shops admiring the latest kitchen appliance, ask yourself this:

Which is most important, the equipment, or the ingredients you put in?

Want to know more about how our huge library of experiential learning content could help you deliver outstanding results AND save time and money? Get in touch for a demonstration.

October 22 2024Rod Webb

Rod Webb

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