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The question was posted by Zoe on 24/08/2023 15:35:28

We're thinking about what videos we may develop next in Trainers' Library and wondered what you would like us to add?
If there's a topic that you would like to see us add a short video on, please let us know and the Design Team will consider it.
Thanks in advance, Zoe.

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Thanks everyone, we'll include what we can in our development plans.
Hi, I would be interested in a video around pro activity and accountability.
A current topic for us is around burnout. So something on recognising it in yourself and others and steps to take would be useful.
Thank you to everyone who's responded to Zoe's question. Where practical/possible, we'll include these in our development plans. Maria, you mentioned Emotional Intelligence, so you might be interested in these:

And, although it's not quite what you suggested, Rene, this one might be useful to you, if you've not already seen it. It's our latest addition and introduction to Mental Health and Mental Ill Health:

Thanks again everyone. :-)

It'd be great to have a video on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, perhaps something on microaggressions or unconscious bias.
Also, maybe something on wellbeing, for example coping with stress or having conversations with members of your team (as a manager) about their wellbeing/stress levels.
Finally, it may be worth having something on using/managing AI in the workplace for better communications or common pitfalls, as this is potentially going to be a big issue.
Thanks so much,
Love all the suggestions here and all would be useful. Plus something on communication as this is always a big subject. Also is there something needed around VUCA and the fast pace of change and the uncertainty? I do think it is an area where we need some course material too.
Also, a video on Psychological Safety at Work would be great
I'd like to see something on Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking if possible. Also some more sales techniques would be good especially around handling objections and getting past price concerns.
Thanks for asking about short video. Would love to see short video on Emotional Intelligence. It is a large topic and complex however a short video to use as refresh - focused on Self-Awareness Only or Self-Management, etc with quick examples of how to apply on the job.
Hi Zoe. Negotiation would be good. A video showing how a negotiation scenario can play out in different ways depending in negotiation style. Liam
Also a video on An Introduction to Transactional Analysis - preferably not too office based.
A video on how to use fishbone analysis? Also one on basic NLP - processing styles.

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