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Confident Career Conversations

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The question was posted by Sarah on 06/12/2023 10:12:34

Hi all, does anyone have any recommended activities for training managers on how to have confident career conversations with their team, so far i have using a coaching approach, various tools they can ask their team member to work through ie SWOT, Career Anchors, Career Map, Values, i think something on Strengths might be good to add - if anyone has any recommendations in this area? and any others? thanks in advance

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Sarah - not sure if it will help but I have used the Stop, Start, Continue approach on a few occasions. So what do they need to start doing, stop doing or continue to do. This may work from the strength element you are looking for. If they have an idea where they want to go with their career then there will be some things they are good at which they need to continue to do. Likewise there may be some comfort stuff they need to stop doing especially if they are looking at going 'up' the ladder. Likewise there will be tasks etc they will need to start doing either as a result of that promotion or getting ready for it and be prepared to leave some elements for others to do (delegate). This simple approach can open up a whole raft of topics to discuss with them. Hope this gives some food for thought even if you feel it's not quite a match for your needs. Malc

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