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The question was posted by Tracy on 04/12/2024 14:36:09

Hi all, I would welcome any suggestions for simple activities that a team can enjoy in around 2 hours. The team are frontline and deal with customers constantly, both on the phone and email. I have been asked to provide something that will help them treat the final customer of the day with the same enthusiasm, empathy and emotional intelligence as the first customer. The importance needs to be on the consistency of their service rather than the enthusiasm, empathy and emotional intelligence. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks

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Tracy has requested the following response type(s):
General advice and information:
Recommendations of other people's products and service.
(Those responding will not be able to promote their own services):
Information from Trainers' Library members about their products and services that will help me:

Thank you Rod, I'll have a look at your recommendations.
Hi Tracy,

Whilst these don't specifically cover the issue of maintaining momentum, I'd recommend having a look at the following, if you haven't already:

Diamond or Glass:

Pitfalls and Trampolines - Customer Service (You could easily add in a question or two specific to your needs other than this one. :-))

There are remote delivery versions of both of these too so let me know if you'd like the links to those.


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