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Internal Customer Care Training Videos

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Building Rapport

Learners identify what Rapport is, why it’s important and how to successfully build rapport with others.

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Bullying and Harassment - Is this OK?

Learners explore the impact someone’s behaviour can have on others, and determine what behaviour is acceptable in the workplace is and what is not.

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Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction

Learners identify what Emotional Intelligence is and why it’s important.

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The 4 Key Aspects of Emotional Intelligence

Introduces learners to the 4 key aspects of emotional intelligence to help them identify and understand their own emotions and emotional responses, and those of others.

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The Importance of Onboarding

Explores why onboarding is possibly the most important part of the recruitment process and how critical it is to introduce your new employee to their new role, new team and new environment in the right way.

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The Ineffective Meeting

Learners identify what went wrong during this meeting, how the meeting could have been improved and the roles and responsibilities of every meeting participant.

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Understanding Menopause - A Guide for Managers

Explores why managers need to be informed about menopause and be confident to have conversations about it where appropriate in the workplace.

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