The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.
• To enable participants to consider the value and difficulty caused by organisational politics and political games.
• To create an understanding that managers cannot avoid politics, so need to know the games in which they may – deliberately or inadvertently – be playing.
Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.
Useful For:
All managers, but particularly those who are new to management and may not understand the political nature of organisations, including their own.
You'll Need:
• Prepared flipcharts with simple 'cartoon' faces drawn on them - one face for each participant.
• Post-it notes.
Politics is often seen as a ‘dirty word’ by many people, or as one in which they have no interest. The purpose of this module is for the participants to gain a more rounded understanding of what politics really means, and the importance politics play in influence and persuasion.
Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.
In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.