In total we estimate this exercise will take 150 minutes.
Aims: • To check understanding of UK workplace Equality Law and build awareness of the responsibilities all employees and managers have.
Time: This game will take about 90 minutes to play. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 150 minutes to complete the game and ensure that all of the learning points are brought out.
Aims: • To check understanding of UK workplace Equality Law and build awareness of the responsibilities all employees and managers have.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of between between 8 and 12 participants.
Useful For: Everyone in the workplace – because everyone needs to be clear on what they can and can’t do. This is not a topic bound by status and participants will have the most fun from the game if there is a mix of roles, seniority and experience in each team. The game will be especially useful for managers and team leaders who are usually closest to managing diversity and equality issues and need to be clear on the law.
You'll Need: • A Spinner. • The Game Board. • A Questions and Answers sheet. • 4 differently coloured sets of 8 counters. • Up to 12 participants (4 teams of 3).
Notes: This exercise is suitable for use with groups of up to 12 participants.
It’s run as a competitive game, which is a race to the finish and played in 4 teams with 2-3 players in each team. We do not recommend having teams with more than 3 participants. Most questions have multiple choice or yes/no answers. This means that the third team to have a go at a question is pretty much guaranteed to get a correct answer when the question comes round again. This keeps the overall time for the game within reasonable limits and adds to the fun, because of the danger of a team getting the answer wrong and allowing another team to get in with the right answer next time. The game is very easy to play. We suggest that you have a practice run beforehand to ensure you are clear on how it works.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants develop their communication skills and in particular their listening skills, their ability to share information effectively and their ability to explore problems objectively. • To illustrate the importance of teamwork and develop the skills needed to work effectively with other teams – particularly where teams are small and geographically diverse. • To understand that effective teamwork involves identifying and capitalising on all of the unique skills and talents of individuals within the team.
Time: This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants develop their communication skills and in particular their listening skills, their ability to share information effectively and their ability to explore problems objectively. • To illustrate the importance of teamwork and develop the skills needed to work effectively with other teams – particularly where teams are small and geographically diverse. • To understand that effective teamwork involves identifying and capitalising on all of the unique skills and talents of individuals within the team.
Skills and Behaviours Tested: Communication skills, teamwork, collaboration, information sharing, information gathering, listening, questioning, attention to detail and problem solving.
Group Size: A minimum of 2 participants are required for this exercise.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • At least two rooms or separate work areas, ideally one for each team. • A mobile phone for each team (they can use one of their own, if willing). • One OS Landranger map 125 and one OS Landranger map 124 for every two teams participating (available from the Ordnance Survey website). • A brief for each team (Brief 1 for Team 1 and Brief 2 for Team 2). • A length of string (at least 1 metre long) for each team.
Notes: Each team will work with 1 other team (the partner team) in a separate location, who they should be able to contact by phone. (If there are only 2 participants involved, each team will consist of 1 person!) If it’s a nice day, the exercise can be very successfully run outside. Position teams as far apart from each other as you can.
Reviews |
A brilliant game to consolidate the learning of the day. Now I have used it I also think it could be used at any point. Tones and laughter from the group and loads of points to draw out and explore in terms of behaviors, communications etc.
The group didn't quite get the right answer but they did find a spot to meet at, well ish lol. I ran this course for an American sales audience who just loved it. Pronouncing the places was tricky but we got through it. If your going to use this activity multiple times you might want to ask the group not to draw on the maps as they can be pricey to keep purchasing and they are inclined to want to draw out the route. I grabbed a poly pocket for them to draw on with marker which helped and have laminated some sheets to use next time. Having the rooms close to each other is also helpful so you can observe the 2 dynamics at play as it was fascinating to see how the sperate groups took to the task, loads to unpack but you do need to float between them as I had multiple big personalities wanting to drive the outcomes so be at hand when needed. They loved it, and so did I, so much opportunity and learning and finish my day with them on a high with key take aways.
Kirsty Marshall
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have ran this activity twice now, both times were a great success!
I bought some backpacks and walkie talkies and made up a adventure pack for both teams.
To allow you to use the maps again, I also used some coloured sticky dots, which remove easily from the map once you are finished.
The activity provokes a lot of thought and fun! Making for some really inciteful conversations after the activity. The trainers notes are great and give you some really helpful questions and topics to really unpick some of the behaviours you are likely to see in the teams during the bike ride .
A top tip, I added some clues to cut outs and hid them in different parts of the bag, as well as the string etc, This gave the activity an almost escape room kind of feel.
Another brilliant resource from the trainers library!
Thank you so much
Danny and the team at HC-One
Danny Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have used this several times for team building and it is excellent. With the added benefit of passing on some map reading skills. It is so good for developing listening, checking understanding and communcation.
Clare Bell
rated this item with 5 stars.
This is so practical and enjoyable. I have used quite a lot during some of my experiential learning programmes. It's a great way to set up an outdoor activity especially if you want the team to do any orienteering or clue finding. Really brings home key learning about communication.
Clare Bell
rated this item with 5 stars.
Phew - this is a very clever but tough challenge!
I tested this out with my own team and very glad I did, before using it with other groups. I didn't have time for a full debrief but learning points for me are:
- Ask questions in advance to check level of existing map reading knowledge. In hindsight I would have provided a few tips at the start.
- 45 minutes wasn't long enough, I would extend it to 1 hour.
- 4 people per team is definitely the maximum, simply due to being able to fit around the map! 2 or 3 may work better.
- Finding the start points was tricky, although one team used initiative - Google maps :-), so I gave the grid references fairly early on. I would probably give the grid references from the outset next time.
- Agree with a previous review about providing post it notes and sticky dots and reminding staff not to write on the maps.
Definitely tested patience and perseverance as well as communication skills!
Alison Bucknall
rated this item with 4 stars.
What a success! I ran this exercise with a team of people from across an engineering company. I had hoped that the fact that there are two teams communicating in separate rooms using a mobile phone for contact would replicate the real world situation of field based service engineers calling in to the office with queries. The feedback was that it felt real. Using two versions of the same map worked well and the fact that the place names were Welsh added to the confusion in communication. I would add in as a reminder on the Trainer Notes that the maps will be reused and i would add a pack of stickers or post it notes to your kit for this exercise.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I ran this activity with a very dysfunctional and underdeveloped team. The design is very clever and does a great job in provoking extreme emotions and reactions. The learning that came out of the de-brief was very valuable and we had a few light bulb moments of self-awareness. I set up the full experience and gave the teams a ruc sac with water bottle, sandwiches, biscuits, the map, a pencil, string and an anorak which went down well. It's useful to give the teams coloured dot stickers to stick on the map so they're not tempted to write on the map - so you can re-use. Thanks Glasstap for another brilliantly designed game - I would thoroughly recommend this.
Lorna Logan
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have used Welsh Holiday with a wide range of groups and learners. I have used the exercise to enhance communication skills and also as a team building event tacked onto some work related exercises. Most delegates find the exercise a real challenge and surprisingly those with some experience of the 'great outdoors' rarely fare any better than those who claim an affinity with couch potatoes! My most memorable delegate was a person who claimed that the exercise would be 'a piece of cake' as they ran trips with the venture scouts every weekend - oddly, as it turned out, they failed to notice the sea on their map, and were unable to steer their 'family' to the meeting point!
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have used this exercise to great effect when training Coaching Programmes for middle to senior managers. Often, in business, there is a challenge when we need to coach someone to get to an outcome when they see things very differently from us – they hold a “different map of the world” – or in the case of this exercise, a different map of Wales. Through questioning, each team has to establish what the other can see – before they can decide the best route to their outcome. The outcome is clear – the constraints etc are not – and they are not shared. It is important as a coach that we learn to respect the coachee’s “map” and then lead them from there to an agreed outcome while helping them around the constraints that they can see along the way – this exercise is perfect for this. Comments like “of course you must be able to see it” , and “there’s nothing to stop you doing that” are common – we are imposing our map onto our coachee – often a problem in business. Delegates love the exercise as it draws out all the learning and key skills of coaching at the attitudinal level. I would highly recommend using it.
Rosemary Taylor
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • To identify specific actions that will enable groups to achieve a shared vision. • To help individuals see how they will contribute to the achievement of a shared vision.
Time: The exercise in this module can be complete within 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 75 minutes to complete the module.
Aims: • To identify specific actions that will enable groups to achieve a shared vision. • To help individuals see how they will contribute to the achievement of a shared vision.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with most workshop/courses but is not recommended for use where the group has more than 25 participants (e.g., conferences).
Useful For: Staff at all levels working in a team. It is particularly well suited to new teams formed for a fixed period to manage/implement a project.
You'll Need: • Plenty of sheets of thin A4 card. • A selection of coloured pens (felt tip pens are ideal).
Notes: This module allows the group to share their ideas on how they intend to work together to achieve a shared vision. The group need to be clear about what their vision is. If this isn’t the case, then you might wish to use the module, Creating a Shared Vision beforehand to achieve this. If you are using the organisation, or team’s vision statement, you will need to pre-prepare a visual aid (PowerPoint or Flipchart) to display at the start of the exercise.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
Great activity to enable teams to collaborate and work together in building a shared vision/strategy for the team.
Donna Rodgers
rated this item with 4 stars.
This is a good activity to run in conjunction with ‘creating a shared vision’ and is the logical next step. It was good for helping individuals identify the specific steps that are needed to create a shared vision. It was a good activity for placing some onus on each group member to realise how it is the individual parts that make up the whole. There is a little bit of preparation needed for this one, so make sure that you are able to access the additional resources outlined on the Trainers' Library website before you think about running this one.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants recognise how their behaviour/communication is experienced by others. • To encourage participants to increase the positive acts of recognition they give to others, and to create a working atmosphere in which people feel accepted and recognised.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To help participants recognise how their behaviour/communication is experienced by others. • To encourage participants to increase the positive acts of recognition they give to others, and to create a working atmosphere in which people feel accepted and recognised.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 20 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels. It can be particularly useful in management training and team building.
You'll Need: • Post-it notes and flipchart paper.
Notes: This module can be used alongside Land of the Nutritos in a diversity programme and as part of a programme on giving feedback or team working.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I used this activity with a group of duty managers where we needed them to recognise and reward more behaviour. This activity really helped get the point across of how easy it is to give recognition we then incorporated our own internal recognition schemes to make them aware of what is available.
Jennifer Stevens
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this material as part of a management course about building an effective team. I used this alongside the module Building Rapport with Subordinates. This was very useful for managers to self-reflect on how they provide recognition to team members, and gave them food-for-thought about whether they 'neglect' staff members. I found it helped managers to consider the impact recognition has on team morale.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 4 stars.
Found this exercise worked best with groups of people who were already quite well versed with giving and receiving feedback (most usually fairly experienced managers). It might also work if you’d already covered the basics of why, when, how in a previous session. It also brought out in some groups dissatisfaction. For those working in environments where they didn’t feel they were getting any recognition – the first exercise proved difficult and they then wanted to have a ‘rant’. OK if you’re prepared to deal with this – and it certainly highlighted individual differences in the ‘need’ for recognition/strokes. That lead to an interesting discussion about TA hungers and strokes. I think next time I use this, I will combine with some TA theory.
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 3 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.
Aims: • To identify what gets in the way of internal customer service. • To consider ways to reduce or eliminate the barriers to internal customer care.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 55 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To identify what gets in the way of internal customer service. • To consider ways to reduce or eliminate the barriers to internal customer care.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • Post its, pens and flip chart paper. • The Activity Link and your PIN.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants understand what their leadership (and followership) style is through physicalising part of the leadership process.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50-60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75-90 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To help participants understand what their leadership (and followership) style is through physicalising part of the leadership process.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of any size, however the exercise works much better with larger groups.
Useful For: Managers, directors and others in leadership roles.
You'll Need: • Blindfolds. • A large, empty space (see notes).
Notes: This exercise can provide participants with a very different insight into their leadership style (and their style as a follower). It is particularly useful for exploring trust and being hands on and hands off. You need a large, empty space for this exercise. Any chairs should be placed against the walls of the room, leaving as much space as possible. It is possible to do this exercise outside, for example on a lawn. There is the risk of people knocking into each other, a wall or furniture in this exercise. Make clear that participants guiding another colleague are responsible for that participant’s safety at all times. * Although you can run this exercise with less than 8 participants it works much better with larger groups.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.
Aims: • To consider the importance of momentum when innovating. • To look at what builds momentum behind a project or idea, and what saps energy from a project or idea.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 45 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To consider the importance of momentum when innovating. • To look at what builds momentum behind a project or idea, and what saps energy from a project or idea. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of any size. Useful For: Managers.
You'll Need: For this exercise you'll need to be able to split your participants into 2 teams, each with a different room to work in. You'll also need to gather a set of 'building materials' for each team. Typically, we provide each team with the following: • 20 'pick-up' sticks. • 3 pairs of scissors. • 4 rulers. • 6 sheets of A3 card (or 12 sheets of A4 card). • A ball of string. • A roll of sticky tape. You can vary the materials you provide in any way you wish - the important thing is that each team must have exactly the same materials to work with (including the same number of pairs of scissors etc). You'll also need a toy car for each team (each should be the same size and weight). Choose a car that is 'Dinky' sized, rather than 'Matchbox' sized. (More mature UK readers will know what we mean!) For those of you who don't, we mean a car that is not too small - aim for something about six or seven inches long and weighing about 1lb (500 gram). We want this exercise to be challenging. Notes: For very large groups (20 or more participants) you’ll need more than 2 teams. Establish a number of small teams with 4 or 5 participants in them, and some very large teams with perhaps a dozen participants in them.
Reviews |
This exercise works really well within the engineering sector. Engineers love having the chance to build something and even their colleagues in support functions are accustomed to working with colleagues to troubleshoot issues. Dividing the group into as many teams as possible, (even teams of 2 work well), creates a great sense of competition. Although it is a fun exercise, when working with senior teams, it does underline the challenges in maintaining momentum when introducing large or long term change.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this exercise with a group of junior managers in our business to help focus on their team work skills and learn more about their leadership style. I love the interactivity of this activity as it focused on the behaviours of the individual. The feedback session was very good, the team were able to be very honest and constructive which proved to be very effective.
Jennifer Stevens
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this exercise with a group of 15 managers with the view to encouraging the group to think outside the box and also to bring some fun into how they interact with eachother. It proved to be very effective as it also challenges the teams to provide feedback on the appointed team leaders. We replaced the car with a golf ball. The fact that the bridge had to allow for a team member to pass underneath created a fun atmosphere but it was interesting to see the competitiveness between both teams
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • Test analytical skills and encourage clear thinking. • Test participants’ attention to detail, individually or collectively, and to test levels of accuracy under pressure. • Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.
Time: This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.
Aims: • Test analytical skills and encourage clear thinking. • Test participants’ attention to detail, individually or collectively, and to test levels of accuracy under pressure. • Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.
Skills and Behaviours Tested: Analytical skills, attention to detail, problem solving, teamwork.
Group Size: We recommend placing participants into teams of 2–4 for this exercise. However, strictly speaking there is no minimum number of participants – this exercise can even be used to test individual skills.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • At least one Farm Map for each team; if teams have more than three people in them, you might prefer to provide teams with two copies of the map. • One copy of the Team Brief for each team.
Notes: In this exercise participants are presented with a lot of information and success will depend on their ability to approach the problem in a structured, methodical way and work effectively under pressure. This exercise can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams. If you wish to use the exercise in this way, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.
Reviews |
We recently ran this as part of a team meeting and it's harder than it looks! As a team we are guilty of delivering quickly and this can lead to missed opportunities. This activity perfectly demonstrated this in a fun and engaging way and provoked a lot of discussion. I've only not left 5 stars because I personally think the time in underestimated due to the amount of insightful discussion so to anyone picking this up as an activity, be prepared to give it the time it needs.
Katie Hastie
rated this item with 4 stars.
This exercise is categorised as "testing analytical thinking", however I would suggest that "thinking logically" would be an accurate description. I have used it with several teams and have found that it works with staff at first and line management level who operate within a fast moving environment,(such as manufacturing), where decisions are often made at speed, but may not stand up to close scrutiny in the longer term. Team members learnt quickly the relevance of thinking clearly in the exercise and how this related to their jobs.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 4 stars.
Bringing the cows home was excellent for these managers whom need to be goal directed, attend to detail and accuracy, and individuals who need to apply their logical reasoning ability. It also immediately brings out the team work and co-operation between participants. Bringing the cows home was very challenging and they had to communicate constantly in order to get to their answers. These participants were very specific in their work and were very sure that the routes they identified were precise and accurate. They were wrong and double checked! (Checking up on why they had less routes than the answer sheet indicated took a bit long, but they even got a method in order to check why their answers differed from the training program's).
Previous Member
Loved 'Bringing the Cows Home'. It was a delight for staff who had no idea what was coming and a great opportunity to get them working in their new teams. The game was involved without being too daunting and the range of problem solving techniques all came to the fore. Great fun, educational and terrific for team building and attention to detail. Interestingly nearly every group didn't read the brief properly!
Previous Member
rated this item with 4 stars.
I use this exercise regularly to start off a module on Problem Solving for first-line managers. It has proven to be a very effective lead into further discussions on the problem solving process. Most delegates find themselves jumping straight into the exercise without first analysing the problem or discussing alternative strategies for solving it. I have to say that very few are successful in getting close to the right answer in the time allowed, but they usually have fun trying and always draw out some excellent learning points that we refer back to as we progress on through the module.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To demonstrate the importance of taking a step back and understanding our role in the relationships we have with others at work.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To demonstrate the importance of taking a step back and understanding our role in the relationships we have with others at work.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at supervisory level.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I used this material as part of a management course about building an effective team. I used this alongside the module Acts of Recognition. I feel it helped managers to think about how they currently relate to their team members, where there is room for improvement and how this can affect team performance. Useful scenarios which are very relevant to real-life in a busy working environment.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 4 stars.
I really liked the use of case studies to explore how rapport works in practice and how easy it is in the workplace to let it slip. Before we reviewed the case studies, I added in a short exercise where I asked them to work in 3’s. Two people would have a discussion (about what they did last night), the 3rd would be an observer. At first the partner would listen well when in the conversation. Mid-way through they were directed to stop listening. The observer then fed-back about body language, speech patterns, attitude etc and how it affected the conversation. I found this really helped people ‘get into the case studies’ and imagine how the ‘characters’ felt.
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider planning and preparation as part of leadership. • To facilitate discussion around playing to the team's strength. • To consider factors that motivate staff to perform well. • To encourage staff to self assess, review and reflect on performance. • To encourage leaders to consider their communication skills. • To encourage leaders to consider the question of keeping people motivated. • To demonstrate leadership skills in a practical task.
Time: This exercise will take about 55 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 75 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider planning and preparation as part of leadership. • To facilitate discussion around playing to the team's strength. • To consider factors that motivate staff to perform well. • To encourage staff to self assess, review and reflect on performance. • To encourage leaders to consider their communication skills. • To encourage leaders to consider the question of keeping people motivated. • To demonstrate leadership skills in a practical task.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: First line managers and supervisors.
You'll Need: • Broadsheet newspapers (one per team). • Sticky tape (one per team). • A tennis ball.
Notes: In this exercise, participants will be working in teams of 4 or 5. Each team will need one broadsheet newspaper (for example, the Financial Times) and a roll of sticky tape. In addition, you will need a tennis ball (or similar) to test the strength of the teams’ structures.
Reviews |
I ran this as an icebreaker for a couple of reasons, firstly I had 1 manager on screen from our India team - and secondly we have some managers who are very hands on and do a lot of the doing, leaving them little time to lead their team.
It worked brilliantly by appointing the remote manager as a Team Leader as he couldn't physically contribute to the activity and choosing another manager for the opposite team that has a development need around stepping away and letting her team work through cases.
I used 5 sheets of flip paper per team (didn't have newspapers) and this worked perfectly.
The de-brief worked brilliantly, especially with targeted questions to the team leaders and "their team"
Lots of laughter, but a great focus on time management and linked to service level agreements we have, quality assurance, motivation and leadership.
I'll definitely be running this one again.
Helen McGowan
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this activity for a teambuilding exercise and it really defalted the team. I think it is important for the team to be in close proximity even in separate rooms. I think it works better for the teams to be in the same room in corners of the room. A lot of running around for the facilitator and a lot of newspaper is needed!
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 3 stars.
I've used this activity twice: once as a leadership exercise and once for teambuilding (requiring only a slight change in emphasis on the debrief). Students want to get straight onto the bridge-building phase rather than spend time on planning their bridge. However, when debriefed, they comment that they understand the importance of planning, and recognise that it's something they perhaps need to do better in their day jobs. This often comes from the team who don't succeed with the task - they acknowledge that better planning (and also leadership) could have helped. Using it as a leadership activity, you can focus in the debrief on the role of the leader, on leadership styles/approaches, and what it might have felt like had they not had a leader. For teambuilding, you can still draw out issues about leadership (because someone in the group might have evolved as a natural leader, without having been appointed, and this is something you might want to comment on) as well as focusing on the positives of teamworking - so if you are running this activity with a team who are not working well together, you could praise them (without patronising) on how well they worked together to build their bridge. It can be adapted easily with or without appointing a leader, or observers. I ran it with much shorter time-frames than recommended - only 10 minutes for planning and 20 minutes to build the bridge, but it still worked - it just got participants working harder and faster. There's a real energy in the room as teams strived to build a better bridge than their competitors! (You can always make the point of course, that they were asked to build a strong bridge, not to beat their competitors, but inevitably the element of competition will appear!). Leave the bridges on show for the remainder of the training course/week - they're a talking point. I even had one team nominating someone to "body pop" underneath the bridge to music from their iPod - real flair, creativity, leadership and teamworking coming out.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this exercise very successfully when training a group of new managers on communication styles and teamwork. The exercise was very simple to run and needed very few props - and those which it did need were inexpensive and readily available - perfect!. The groups had a lot of fun and it was really interesting to notice the creative thought process - I guess the exercise could also be used for problem solving situations. We used an observer for each group who was able to give great feedback on the group dynamics and interactions - picking up on key words and phrases used which were useful - and of course, those which were not so useful. The exercise demonstrated the key learning that I wanted to draw out - it was quick - and the group had a load of fun doing it. Can't get better than that really.
Rosemary Taylor
In total we estimate this exercise will take 35 minutes.
Aims: • To recognise the impact of imposed change on people. • To remind participants how easy it is for progress to be lost and for things to slip back to the way they were before.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 35 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To recognise the impact of imposed change on people. • To remind participants how easy it is for progress to be lost and for things to slip back to the way they were before.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: You may want to read the article ‘When Change Really Hurts’ by Sheila Williams, which is available in Trainers’ Library. This provides background information about the change curve, which you may want to reference in your discussion.
Reviews |
This is an excellent exercise which allows participants to quickly identify their feelings towards change, how these are impacted by the limited information / unrealistic expectations and to then link these feelings towards a wider discussion about Change Management. It's a quick fun exercise, very easy to run and debrief on it's on as an intro to Change Management, or can be used to introduce a longer module. The times I've used it, it's always had a great result with delegates and raised the energy in the room as well.
Debbie McNamara
rated this item with 5 stars.
Excellent activity. I have used this many times in different team building events for different reasons. With one team I used this activity to explain why employees become disengaged when changes happen in the workplace. However, it was a valuable lesson for the manager to also realise how staff feel when more and more changes are put upon them.
In a different team, this activity was also used in a fun way with no underlying message. It was undertaken with enthusiasm and enjoyment, and most attendees had their own epiphany in understanding that they are capable of so much more, even when they think they have exhausted the challenge.
All-in-all it is one of those activities I fall back on time after time.
Tracy Windross
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.
Aims: • To agree what success looks like for everyone. • To establish effective working relationships within groups or teams. • To create a vision statement for the team.
Time: The exercise in this module can be complete within 90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 120 minutes to complete the module.
Aims: • To agree what success looks like for everyone. • To establish effective working relationships within groups or teams. • To create a vision statement for the team.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with most workshop/courses but is not recommended for use where the group has more than 25 participants (e.g., conferences).
Useful For: Staff at all levels working in a team. It is particularly well suited to new teams formed for a fixed period to manage/implement a project.
You'll Need: • Plenty of post-it notes and flipchart paper. • A selection of craft materials such as paints, brushes, glue, magazines, pieces of material. (You may prefer to restrict the materials available to coloured pens and paper, depending on the make up of the group you are working with.)
Notes: This module allows the group to share ideas about what is important to them and to agree some communal aim, values and aspirations. As a result of this exercise the whole team will participate in the creation of a shared vision. This activity can be used as a stand-alone activity or combined with others to form a longer event. The module Achieving a Shared Vision naturally leads on from this module.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I adapted this exercise slightly to use it with a group of people who had been TUPE transferred into the organisation. As they were a new team coming together from a range of different providers it was important that we brought them together quickly. The exercise was used in a 1/2 day strategy session. It created a lot of energy and helped the group not only come up with an agreed vision but it also highlighted how they had similar views / opinions despite coming from different backgrounds so worked with the team building element we were doing to (an unintended benefit). Fairly easy to do and very worhwhile
Mike Taylor
rated this item with 4 stars.
This activity can be a success, but I would suggest keeping in mind that not every participant would want to take part in such a creative exercise. I offered to run this for a client and they emailed me back saying that it wasn’t suited to their learning style and therefore wouldn’t be taking part! That said, as long as you're comfortable with the dynamic of the group you are working with then this is great activity for encouraging participants to think at a collective level about what success looks for them. Through moving from group to group it also provides an opportunity to begin to understand individual differences and priorities.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.
Aims: • To understand why we delegate. • To understand how to delegate effectively.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 30-45 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To understand why we delegate. • To understand how to delegate effectively.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A supply of Lego, with at least 15 large pieces for each team of 3-5 participants.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library - Building an Understanding of Delegation.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims:• To enable participants to increase awareness of their emotional reaction to other people’s behaviour and how to deal with people they find ‘difficult’.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
Aims:• To enable participants to increase awareness of their emotional reaction to other people’s behaviour and how to deal with people they find ‘difficult’.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: The modules Managing Emotions and Changing Perceptions and Emotions are complementary to this module and can be combined with it to make a longer session.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
This is a great activity to use for managing difficult people - it really helps managers realise that their behaviour can also be in question - and can turn difficult when dealing with difficult people, brings humour with self realisation and insight - fab simple activity that bings great discussion.
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this module with a group of team leaders on a workshop on dealing with conflict. The delegates enjoyed and benefited from discussing and sharing ideas on how to deal with difficult people. I would recommend this module to anyone running a workshop on managing conflict along side the anatomy of conflict and fight, flight or friendship.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
I recently used this exercise / module in a Conflict Resolution seminar for social care workers. The exercise was really well received and was great for helping delegates to explore not only what sort of behaviours constitute 'difficult', but also to think 'outside the box' about strategies for dealing with such behaviours.
Robert Corteen
Robert Corteen
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • To create a situation where participants have to manage change driven by one department, affecting the work of another. • To identify some key learning points about managing change. • To test information gathering and sharing skills. • To demonstrate the importance of effective questioning, summary and clarification and active listening. • To consider the pros and cons of different leadership styles.
Time: This exercise will take about 45 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 70 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To create a situation where participants have to manage change driven by one department, affecting the work of another. • To identify some key learning points about managing change. • To test information gathering and sharing skills. • To demonstrate the importance of effective questioning, summary and clarification and active listening. • To consider the pros and cons of different leadership styles.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • Each team will need a space to work where they cannot be overheard by the other team (s). • Each HR team will need an egg timer that takes 3-4 minutes for the sand to pass from one side to the other.
Notes: As well as useful in programs concerned with change, this exercise can also be used as a general communication exercise, or in training concerned with internal customer care.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library - Dinner Party Mayhem - Managing Other Teams.
Reviews |
I recently used this team exercise as part of a companywide team-building programme. The delegates included senior leaders, all people leaders and key subject specialists. The framework for the programme was Patrick Lencioni's '5 Dysfunctions of a Team' and my challenge was to find an exercise that demonstrated how ambiguity can impact negatively on individuals' commitment in a team. The exercise was run in two cohorts and was equally successful in each. The simplicity of the exercise is the key; all the competing teams have to do is arrange a seating plan; however they only have partial information. Some of the missing information provided in a hurried and unsystematic way by the 'HR' team was vital. The frayed emotions and frustration were very real, which made this feel 'real life' rather than a training exercise. I would recommend its use for team-building, post-restructuring culture building and in leading change through uncertain conditions.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used it as the very first activity in a one-day module of our Leadership Development program called “Communication for Change”. What I liked about it was that it could be run with almost no preparation – just print out the briefs, give them to the teams, and away they go. The teams did all the stereotypical things while participating that gave us some great discussion in the debrief – e.g. confusion about what the other team was doing, poor communication, competitive streaks coming to the surface, time wasting through lack of information sharing, too much focus on the task and not enough on the people etc. It was a great intro to our workshop, and was extremely engaging for the participants. Next time I would probably elaborate a bit more on the briefing to make it clearer that it is a CHANGE. For example, that the dinner party was all organised but then the restaurant changed the tables available etc. This would make a slightly smoother transition into the program topic I’m including it in. Overall it worked really well and generated very useful discussion. I will definitely continue to include it in this program.
Previous Member
rated this item with 4 stars.
This exercise did not work very well as it was far too easy with the corporate team solving the problem within 10-15 minutes, therefore not having to adjust to any change. Further complications could be added in order to make the exercise more challenging, such as reduction in time or the facilitator acting as the HR team and taking a variety of approaches to directing change. The current time of 45 minutes to complete the exercise is far too long. I recognised this and reduced it to 30 minutes yet this was still too long and the learners felt that they got nothing from the exercise, other than demonstrating how clever they were!
Nick Lennon-Barrett
rated this item with 2 stars.
If you want a great activity to use for topics on change management, this is the one. From understanding change, planning change and implementing change, this activity has the versatility to be used around any of these topics. When I first joined trainer’s library I used it nearly every month for about 2 years – a great activity that can really help delegates understand how individuals react differently to change. I do feel that it is Important to have 2 facilitators so that notes can be made on the behaviours people demonstrate during the activity. A brilliant activity that I continue to go back to…
Gary Shewan
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.
Aims: • To consider where people have a true sense of belonging and what that feels like. • To explore the positive benefits of ‘belonging’. • To explore how to create a sense of belonging at work.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To consider where people have a true sense of belonging and what that feels like. • To explore the positive benefits of ‘belonging’. • To explore how to create a sense of belonging at work.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: A discussion that encourages people to explore how it feels to belong.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.
Aims: • To agree the important principles of effective delegation. • To review and learn from the experience of being delegated to. • To recognise potential barriers to delegation. • To prepare a checklist for effective delegation. • To identify tasks that can’t be delegated. • To plan for delegation.
Time: The exercises in this module can be completed within 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 120 minutes to complete the module.
Aims: • To agree the important principles of effective delegation. • To review and learn from the experience of being delegated to. • To recognise potential barriers to delegation. • To prepare a checklist for effective delegation. • To identify tasks that can’t be delegated. • To plan for delegation.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Supervisors and junior managers.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: A useful discussion based exercise that encourages participants to really think about when to delegate, why to delegate and when not to delegate.
Reviews |
I have used this exercise in management development programmes and it generates some very interesting discussion, revealing a great deal about how and what managers delegate. For the statements exercise I copied the statements onto pieces of card and asked them to sort the cards into 4 piles. This makes it easier for me to 'eavesdrop' on groups and see what decisions they have already made. I give them the sheet at the end to make any notes.
Helen Walker
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims: • To raise awareness of self-awareness, the first strand of emotional intelligence.
Time: The exercises in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To raise awareness of self-awareness, the first strand of emotional intelligence.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A flipchart, pens and the handouts provided.
Notes: This module forms part one of a two-part introduction to emotional intelligence. (Part 2 can also be used alone to explore awareness of others and empathy as a skill.) This module (Part 1) looks at intra-personal intelligence - self-awareness - and the ability to notice and regulate or manage our own emotional state or mood. Part 2 examines interpersonal intelligence – being able to distinguish other people’s emotions, moods and temperaments. It is important to have an understanding of emotional intelligence and the effects of discussing it with a group of participants. You will find Mike Bagshaw’s Article in Trainers’ Library useful for this.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
Brilliant, easy to understand, and worthwhile activity to use with any level of employees. Taking the time to become self aware is the first step to becoming more emotionally intelligent, and this exercise really breaks that down.
Tracy Windross
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this module alongside part 2 with a group of staff who became more expressive with their emotions (at detriment to each other) following a period of change. It was a really useful, non-threatening introduction to self awareness before moving on to part 2.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 5 stars.
I recently used this module for team leaders and deputy team leaders when delivering a session on Emotional Intelligence. The grades of emotions exercise worked very well. It was good to share how aware the delegates were of others emotions and how their own behaviour can influence others. I received a lot of positive feedback following the session.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 105 minutes.
Aims: • To introduce managers to the subject of employee engagement. • To help managers begin to understand why employee engagement is central to being a successful manager.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 70 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 105 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To introduce managers to the subject of employee engagement. • To help managers begin to understand why employee engagement is central to being a successful manager.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of between 3 and 20 participants. Ideally, you'll have at least 6 participants though so that you can create 3 teams of 2 or more.
Useful For: Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)
You'll Need: • Prepared flipcharts with simple 'cartoon' faces drawn on them - one face for each participant. • Post-it notes.
Notes: This exercise is designed for the start of an Employee Engagement workshop. Before the participants arrive – create a flip chart or charts with colourful cartoon faces on. Please have enough faces so that there is one for each participant. Have these on display at the start of the exercise. There are two parts to this exercise. It is essential that both are completed to ensure that learning is maximised.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
This was a good exercise for looking at the difference between satisfaction, motivation and employee engagement. I used this exercise after first sharing and looking at what employee engagement was about and with hindsight I wish I had done the exercise first. All three teams really wanted to engage with staff not just satisfy - it was a great exercise, with effort and participation high (the presentations were brilliant)and Employee Engagement was top priority on the learning outcome. But maybe the learning of the differences between the 3 areas was a little lost - note to self do the exercise first next time :).
Stephanie Fry
rated this item with 5 stars.
I found this module very useful and received some positive feedback from the delegates. The Marvelous Zoo exercise worked really well looking at the three different approaches, satisfying staff, motivating staff and engaging staff and how it all fits together.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
A great module, I have used it twice and each time the result has been positive. The exercise enables the delegates to quickly identify the difference between satisfied, motivated and engaged employees. Great to use with the other modules. Thank you Glasstap. Jayne Dark
Jayne Dark
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 105 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage managers to identify the factors that will make their teams feel that they value the organisation they work for and are valued in return.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 70 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 105 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To encourage managers to identify the factors that will make their teams feel that they value the organisation they work for and are valued in return.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of between 3 and 20 participants.
Useful For: Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)
You'll Need: No additional materials are required but the final part of the exercise requires space for participants to move around the room.
Notes: The exercises allow space for participants to reflect on the engagement of a team of up to 15 employees. If their team is bigger than this, encourage them to think about their best and worst performing team members. Whilst this module can be run as a stand-alone exercise, it is most powerful when used with the other exercises in the Employee Engagement series. This complete course can be run in one day or in 4 bite-sized sessions.
Reviews |
I used this module along side the part 1 'whats in it for me' I had a mix of experienced and inexperienced leaders. It was a good way of making them think about their team members and how they can increase the level of engagement in both the organisation and their job.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
This module asks the delegates to consider their own team members and encourages them to consider ideas and suggestions on how to increase the levels of engagement on their teams. The Managers I was working with where inexperienced and I found they did needed quite a lot of direction. Very worthwhile and I would definitely use again. Thank you Glasstap. Jayne Dark
Jayne Dark
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 80 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the role that managers’ behaviours play in employee engagement. • To identify the behaviours that lead to more engaged teams. • To consider the impact this has on success.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 80 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To explore the role that managers’ behaviours play in employee engagement. • To identify the behaviours that lead to more engaged teams. • To consider the impact this has on success.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of between 3 and 20 participants.
Useful For: Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently).
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I used this module along side employee engagement 1 and 2. The delegates enjoyed the behaviour cards exercise. The team leaders were quite surprised at how different the order of the cards came out and found that it was a good way of showing that you need to tailor your approach for each individual member of the team to get the best out of them. They also found the rosebud case study exercise beneficial.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of between 3 and 16 participants.
Useful For: Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)
You'll Need: • A Bridge Constructor Kit for each team. • A separate area for each team to work in, where they will be out of sight of the other team(s).
Notes: It is advisable to start this exercise without too much introduction – just hand out the briefings and let them get on with it. Whilst this works very well as a stand-alone exercise, we thoroughly recommend using it in conjunction with Employee Engagement 1, Employee Engagement 2 and Employee Engagement 3. .
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I have used this several times on a management training programme when we focus on employee engagement. It has always been met with great enthusiasm and learning outcomes achieved whilst having fun. There have been some very imaginative wobbly bridges created. Great way to end a day.
Sue Bartlett
rated this item with 5 stars.
I use this as part of a course on Employee Engagement. The delegates absolutely love the exercise. The difference in the results from the two groups is really striking. The de-brief at the end always helps highlight the importance of considering how we communicate with others and the impact on their levels of motivation, engagement and ultimately on what they produce. Making a direct connection between engagement and output really helps to focus managers minds on why employee engagement is so important. An excellent exercise, would highly recommend
Mike Taylor
rated this item with 5 stars.
This exercise was a lot of fun and went down really well with a group of team leaders. It was good to see the different approaches used when building the bridge and the reactions when they realised they had slightly different briefs. It was really good on enfolding how much impact a manager has when engaging with their staff. I would defiantly recommend this exercise along with Employee engagement 1,2 and 3.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
This is a really fun and interactive activity to help delegates understand the role of the manager in driving engagement. The debrief at the end of the session is extremely valuable in understand the impact engagement has on performance.
Jennifer Stevens
rated this item with 5 stars.
I did this activity in conjunction with the other Employee Engagement modules and it worked a treat. The learning was fantastic and the feedback was great. I can't wait to use again in the next few weeks. Excellent. Thank you Glasstap. Jayne Dark
Jayne Dark
rated this item with 5 stars.
This is a fab activity that, when used in conjunction with the activity ‘Employee Engagement 4, really gets the ‘engagement’ message across. I haven’t used it for employee engagement (yet!) but I have amended the activity slightly and used it to explore member engagement. It went down really well with the participants, they enjoyed doing something different other than discussion etc and took a lot from the learning points of the activity. It particularly made them think about the importance of engaging others by moving out of their comfort zone when planning events rather than putting on events that they are comfortable with. I think this is going to quickly become one of my favourite activities.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
Came across this just at the right time - very fortuitous! With some script adaption used this as a team building exercise within a health and social care context. Materials came from my 'Blue Peter' box as well as some of the recommended ones. Worked really well and was very powerful. Did exactly what it said on the tin! Another 5* product from Glasstap. How did I ever cope without you!!
Robert Corteen
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 135 minutes.
Aims: • To enable participants to identify different approaches that can be used to manage conflict. • To explain the advantages and disadvantages of five key approaches used in managing conflict. • To identify when it is appropriate to use the various approaches.
Time: The exercises in this module will take about 90 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 135 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To enable participants to identify different approaches that can be used to manage conflict. • To explain the advantages and disadvantages of five key approaches used in managing conflict. • To identify when it is appropriate to use the various approaches.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants. The exercises work best with groups of 10 or fewer.
Useful For: Staff who need to manage conflict and interpersonal relationships.
You'll Need: • Break-out rooms.
Notes: It is recommended that you keep the participant group size to 10 or fewer for this module. This module can be used as a stand-alone module or as a follow on to The Anatomy of Conflict. The module is comprised of two exercises. Depending on your needs these can be run as two separate 'mini-modules'.
Reviews |
I used this module along side the anatomy of conflict. The training went really well with positive feedback from the delegates. They all really got into the sketches and enjoyed being able to share ideas on how to deal with conflict within their own teams/department. I would recommend this module to anyone running a workshop on dealing with conflict.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
Most recent group I worked this exercise with, didn’t like the TK term ‘avoider’ they felt it had very negative connotations and I’ve found that you have to be REALLY careful to ensure that groups don’t ‘stigmatise’ or maintain that one style is better or worse than the others. I was lucky that one organisation I worked with funded their staff to complete the online TK assessment before the course. Then I could group the learners by their most common reaction and get them to look at the pros and cons with people who shared their view. This worked much better than when I’ve asked everyone to review every style. Have to say I haven’t tried the 'sketches' as the group got so 'into' discussing the pros and cons and wanting to explore their own experiences we ran out of time. I like this module and have found it helpful!
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively. • To test participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure. • To show how tasks can be broken down into achievable goals, and how teams can use short term goals to improve performance. • To test participants’ abilities to work together effectively. • To examine the impact of change on comfort zones and confidence.
Time: This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 90 minutes.
Aims: • To test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively. • To test participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure. • To show how tasks can be broken down into achievable goals, and how teams can use short term goals to improve performance. • To test participants’ abilities to work together effectively. • To examine the impact of change on comfort zones and confidence.
Skills and Behaviours Tested: Accuracy and attention to detail, teamwork, goal setting, managing change and leadership.
Group Size: There is no minimum number of participants – this exercise can even be used to test individual skills.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • One set of Filing Frenzy and instruction cards for each individual or team (see notes). • A stopwatch or watch. • A whistle or bell (optional).
Notes: This exercise is normally run as a series of short 10-minute activities (with discussion at various points). These activities can be run back to back, but are perhaps more effective when used as an intermittent energiser during a training day/course and used to illustrate or highlight learning points covered in detail elsewhere in the training programme. You will need one set of Filing Frenzy cards for each individual or team. (We recommend a set of 180 cards for each individual or team, i.e., 10 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document if running the exercises on the following pages.) However, for a simple ‘accuracy test’ you could use fewer cards. For example: • Individuals – 36 cards (2 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document). • Teams of 2-3 – 90 cards (5 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document). • Teams of 4-6 – 126 cards (7 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document).
Note of Caution: This exercise may not be suitable for participants who are colour blind or visually impaired. However, in most cases anyone who falls into this category can still be involved. Ask them to observe/listen to the teams during the exercise, identifying effective and less effective behaviours in order to provide constructive feedback afterwards.
Reviews |
I just ran this exercise for a group of our Indian colleagues out in Amedabad - and they loved it. It was easy to run, fun to do and really stimulated some juicy conversations about team working, accuracy and proactivity in addition to the intended learning outcomes. They enjoyed it so much they wanted me to run it a second time to another team who hadnt been intended to come to the training. I think it's fair to say it proved a popular exercise!! I didn't need to adapt the exercise in anyway. Just print, cut and go! Definitely 5 stars and will definitely be using it again in the future.
Becky Booker
rated this item with 5 stars.
I use Filing Frenzy again and again. Lots of different applications of this game, team building, coaching skills, setting objectives. It really is an excellent activity.
Clare Bell
rated this item with 5 stars.
Excellent Team Building Activity. Fun and many learnings
Anthony Cige
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this for an admin team away day. We only had a small group (4) and there was a real mix in terms of experience and ability. Some of the group struggled with it but they got there in the end. I would use it again but probably with a bigger group.
Mike Taylor
rated this item with 3 stars.
I used this on a small team away day (4 people) as part of a team build. I was worried that the learning points would not come out due to the small numbers and unsure as to how many cards to use for each pair (I found the instructions on the number of cards to use a little confusing). I ended up using 4 sets of card per pair which seemed the right amount. We did the first 3 tasks/rounds with feedback between each one on how they approached the task and it really worked well to highlight planning, team working, quality checking, attention to detail and working together in general. We did the rounds one after the other which was quite a lot and more than enough to highlight key points. They enjoyed it but had had enough after 3 rounds as it can be quite intense! I will definitely use this again - I can see it being really useful for bigger teams to explore ways of working together. Recommended, despite the time it took to make laminated cards!
Rebecca Peat
rated this item with 4 stars.
I used the Filing Frenzy on a Change Management course for first line managers. It was a brilliant icebreaker as it got the participants involved from the start whilst also illustrating the key messages about change and how we react to it. It was amazing to see how something simple can still have an impact on people when you change the instructions slightly. For some people the change was minimal and they changed their approach but for some (particular those who had won the previous rounds and had got their process down to a fine heart) felt quite disappointed by the change.
Clare Wilkes
In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the differences between a team and work group. • To help participants identify when a team or group is required.
Time: The exercise in this module can be complete within 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 90 minutes to complete the module.
Aims: • To explore the differences between a team and work group. • To help participants identify when a team or group is required.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with most workshop/courses but is not recommended for use where the group has more than 25 participants (e.g., conferences).
Useful For: Teams, work groups and/or their leaders who wish to explore the current organisation and management of the group.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module can be usefully followed by the following modules: • Creating a Shared Vision. • Achieving a Shared Vision. It can also be a useful inclusion in any training intervention around remote teams.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To test participants' planning and communication skills. • To demonstrate the importance of listening and using summary and clarification to check understanding. • To consider what makes communication effective and the dangers of getting it wrong. • To energise a group of participants.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To test participants' planning and communication skills. • To demonstrate the importance of listening and using summary and clarification to check understanding. • To consider what makes communication effective and the dangers of getting it wrong. • To energise a group of participants.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • Whistles (one for each team). • A stopwatch. • Skittles and hoops (or similar-see note). • Prizes.
We don't often develop exercises specifically for the outdoors, but this is a simple exercise that can be used by anyone with access to a park, lawn or yard. A great energiser for sunny days and one which really does contain some important lessons about communication and the importance of checking understanding.This exercise does require some preparation as you'll need to devise a 'course' for your participants to follow. Preparation will take about 5 minutes once you have the items you'll need. The course maps show three different routes through the same course, which means you won't have to change the course itself if playing more than one round. We suggest using hula-hoops for your 'pens'. If not, you can mark the 'pens' out using other things like rope or giant pick-up sticks. Skittles, cones or balls can be used to mark out the rest of the course.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
Fantastic Activity for teambuilding, communication and leadership! I would use it over and over again. Simple to set up, and you can get creative with the equipment I used squeeky toys so when people had blind folds they would step on them which added even more humour to this activity. I would highly recommend this to any trainer that is teambuilding and has some space for the pens. I was a littly reluctant to use it at first as I had never used it before and have no sense of direction myself - once zoe explained the footprints and the direction of the footprints the penny dropped and away I went!
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 5 stars.
I had to run a Team Building event with the members of the Inbound Sales Teams; a couple of the Team Leaders were new to the company and the associates had recently been asked to make a few outbound calls at quieter periods, which they were not happy about. As a result they blamed the Team Leaders for not standing up for them. The situation had deteriorated a bit and it was time to bring the department together. I got my inspiration from Trainer's Library and I selected Glasstap Sheep Trials as an exercise. The results were amazing! The participants were a bit weary at the beginning and they were not talking too much amongst each other. By the time the first group started the exercise all participants were discussing the other group's performance amongst themselves and asking their team leader to communicate with them in a different way or using the same techniques if those were working. When the exercise finished I was very pleased to notice the complete transformation of the dynamics and communication of the department. There was laughter all round and they were all very keen to participate during the debrief. The questions suggested by Glasstap were fantastic at getting the message across and the relationship in the department improved dramatically as a direct result of the team building day. What a fantastic activity to run! Thank you Glasstap!!!!
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to communicate effectively in order to gather all the information available. • To encourage participants to think about how they communicate. • To encourage participants to work co-operatively to solve a shared problem.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 45 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To encourage participants to communicate effectively in order to gather all the information available. • To encourage participants to think about how they communicate. • To encourage participants to work co-operatively to solve a shared problem.
Group Size: The optimum number of participants for this exercise is 8, however it can be used with fewer. If you have more than 15 in your group, split them into teams. Useful For: Staff at all levels. You'll Need: Nothing, other than the materials provided. Notes: This communication exercise is based on a logic puzzle. You will need a minimum of 8 participants, which is the optimum number for the exercise. However, we have included additional Gossip Cards that enable the exercise to be used in groups of up to 15. (If you have more than 15 in your group, split the group into teams of 8 or more and get each team to complete the exercise separately.) Please note that where there are more than 8 participants in a team some of the ‘gossip’ will be duplicated.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
Recently used the Gossip training for a session on teamwork, communication and collaboration. Absolutely brilliant session. When you start by not briefing everyone on what to do, is a great opening. Watching people's reaction and watching how they begin to work out the task and then get a discussion going. I did this session with phone advisors, team managers, branch managers and the Global team as well. Each time it went down really well with loads of discussion and participation. We made an addition to the training also, if there was someone dominant in the session (or if someone read another person's card) then that person was removed for 3 minutes and then invited back in. This allowed people to get a reaction of what it was like to be removed from a task and then brought back in.
Overall a great session to deliver if you need to stress the importance of communication and sharing of information.
John Millington
rated this item with 5 stars.
I love this exercise! I have used it on several occasions and there always seems to be some new learning that can be drawn out. I use it mainly for problem-solving facilitation as a wrap-up exercise. I have used it face to face and remotely, using a Jamboard so the delegates can collaborate virtually. For the remote version I have created a number of cards to match the number of delegates, making sure I include all the facts. The tricky thing is you don't always know exactly how many delegates you'll get on the day! In the face to face version I just hand out more cards per person.
It's great for illustrating listening, team work, understanding a task, data visualisation - the list goes on!
I would highly recommend this exercise.
Lisa Lester
rated this item with 5 stars.
I've used Gossip on numerous occasion when I want teams to understand how important it is to ensure every piece of information is used to get the right result. It also helps individuals to understand how different people take in information in different ways, for example some people only come to life in this exercise when they are allowed to see the information written down in a visual format. Great exercise, easy to use but it's vital that the debrief is carried out effectively.
Richard Linder
rated this item with 5 stars.
This is an excellent exercise and probably my favourite of all the Trainers Library ones. I have used it for a number of years as the opening exercise on various management programmes where the focus of the day has been effective communication. It is fascinating observing the group as they try to decipher the task. I have yet to have a group that have not enjoyed the exercise. It can seem a bit awkward for the first 5 minutes with some groups but persevere as they always start to open up. I recommend you make plenty of notes of the behaviours you observe throughout. The debrief at the end is as much fun as the exercise itself. There are so many important points you can cover off at the end. It is really thought provoking and with a well facilitated discussion at the end you can create a real buzz in the training room. I have groups that were talking about this exercise months after they did it. It really hits the mark. I would highly recommend this
Mike Taylor
rated this item with 5 stars.
This is a brilliant exercise. I used it when we brought together 2 teams from different locations for training. It really got them working together and highlighted the benefits of working together for the good of the organisation rather than in isolation. It also demonstrated transferrable skills. I'll be using this again and again.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
I've used Gossip! on several occasions now and it always delivers the learning experience I'm aiming for. Delegates move from perplexed to organised to motivated as they explore how to complete the exercise and demonstrate the range of behaviours needed for a really good debrief around team communications skills. I also like the flexibility it offers to add more than the standard 8 participants so, if I get a no-show or have higher delegate numbers, it doesn't matter.
Jo Wilding
rated this item with 5 stars.
What a fantastically versatile exercise Gossip is. I have used this on numerous occasions and it never fails to deliver! Whether you want to use it for team or communication skills it works brilliantly. Thanks for another superb exercise. Andy, Motiv8 Development Ltd
Andy Pickin
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used the activity Gossip as part of a communications course. I had a group of eight so it worked out just right. I did have to give them a couple of hints to get them on the right path to start with but they succeeded in coming up with right solution. This is a great activity to put across the importance of good communication especially questioning and listening skills and not making assumptions. I will be using this activity again.
Previous Member
I have recently used the above exercise on two different communication skills programmes. The first programme had 12 delegates so I had 4 observers which worked really well as they got an opportunity to practise feedback skills which we had covered in the previous session. The remaining eight delegates were each given the pre prepared laminated cards and given the basis instructions. It was interesting to see that once they had read the cards they then asked me what they were supposed to do now! Calmly I repeated the basic instructions! After a couple of minutes they all started to discuss what was on their cards and established the tasks they were required to complete. There were many issues with how they went about the task, and it was clear that although we had discussed, practised and agreed many aspects of effective communication, including things like questioning, listening and preparation, this all went out of the window in this exercise! The best things about this exercise are the many learning points and varied situations where this can be used. The delegates all found it interesting either as a participant or as an observer. This is definitely one that will be in my tool bag for many different situations!
Carolyn Pickin
rated this item with 5 stars.
I facilitate multi-disciplinary teams of healthcare professionals working in cancer care. Benefits of this sort of working are that each discipline contributes to decisions about treatment options for patients. Not all teams either listen or value other members' opinions. Tried out Gossip with a large team of 16 split into 2 groups. Worked fabulously well and showed them how problems cannot be addressed properly unless everyone in the team has a voice and that they record things logically and systematically. Thank you.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider their attitude. • To encourage discussion around optimistic versus pessimistic outlooks. • To recognise the impact that attitude has on performance. • To enable participants to identify personal traits that might be holding them back. • To encourage leaders to consider how they might deal with negative attitudes in their team.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider their attitude. • To encourage discussion around optimistic versus pessimistic outlooks. • To recognise the impact that attitude has on performance. • To enable participants to identify personal traits that might be holding them back. • To encourage leaders to consider how they might deal with negative attitudes in their team.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module provides an excellent opportunity, when working with a wide range of participants, to consider how attitude can impact on performance. Topics where the inclusion of a module looking at optimism/pessimism might be beneficial include: • Managing change. • Problem solving and decision making. • Customer service. • Selling skills. • Leading a team. • Strategic leadership. • Communication skills. • Planning and scheduling.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
This is a very powerful activity the first part allows for self reflection on what the individuals preference tends to be - am I more half empty or half full? There are then a series of questions that give the group great discussion opportunities I have used this activity as part of managing change workshop and fits in really nicely in terms of what the individual can do to help themselves and how powerful their own attitude can be and how this might impact others and themselves.
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 5 stars.
I ran 'Half Full' as a stand-alone module to encourage people to think about the relative draw-backs and benefits of different perspectives on the world. As directed, the delegates completed the questionnaire on their own and then read the handout. They then started to answer the questions on their own too. One delegate found this very difficult so we stopped writing and opened the whole thing up as a discussion. Very quickly all delegates were involved in talking through the merits of pessimism and optimism. We identified some key learning points - not to bring up barriers when others don't act as you'd want, that optimists should think about analysing risk and pessimists can look to improve their outlook. We also had a very intense and productive debate about the value of constructive feedback and how one goes about it. All in all, the exercise 'did what it said on the can' and I've been delighted with it.
Tracy Croft
In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.
Aims: • To build an understanding of the key steps in strategic planning. • To encourage participants to analyse financial and other data using a SWOT analysis. • To encourage participants to think about where they are now, before moving on in the next module to consider where they want to be.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 75 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 120 minutes for this module if working with 10-12 participants. It is strongly recommended that, for maximum impact and best overall use of time, this module is run in conjunction with the other modules from the Hotel Doldrums series.
Aims: • To build an understanding of the key steps in strategic planning. • To encourage participants to analyse financial and other data using a SWOT analysis. • To encourage participants to think about where they are now, before moving on in the next module to consider where they want to be.
Group Size: An ideal group size for this module is 12, with participants working in 3 teams of 4. If you have more than 15 participants in your group, you may want to consider ‘doubling up’ on some of the briefs with more than one team using the same scenario. This doesn’t detract from the learning; in fact it can be interesting to see how different teams approach the same problem and task.
Useful For: Staff at all levels including individuals, groups and teams that need to use strategic planning and analysis skills in the workplace.
You'll Need: Each team will need a hotel data pack (provided) and a syndicate room or area.
Notes: Hotel Doldrums is a series of modules that are designed to be run in sequence. Together they form a complete 1.5 day workshop, which can be run as a single workshop, or as three independent sessions, each lasting between 2 and 4 hours. We’ve also suggested other modules you could add to the programme, if you have more time available. Hotel Doldrums can also be run as a teambuilding game, where teams are left to compete with less facilitator involvement during the exercise, but a thorough review at the end. This takes about 3.5 hours to run. If you prefer to use the teambuilding version of Hotel Doldrums, please download the trainer’s notes from the teambuilding games section of Trainers’ Library. This series of modules is set in the context of the hotel industry but requires no specialist knowledge of it. The modules, when used together, also draw out skills relating to business planning, problem solving, influencing, team working and making presentations.
Reviews |
I used this activity as part of a 2- day Business Skills module with a group of participants completing their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Scheme. I followed up with Part 2 and 3 and made a fabulous event. I added in a 'financial terms' quiz and some input on STEEPLE and SWOT before getting them to complete the activity.
It was really great to have the pack all produced and saved me so much time. The group completed the activities well and great learning about the importance of planning and not diving straight into the detail.
Ann Pemberton
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this with a team of Directors and Heads of Department as part of 2 Strategy days to encourage the team to think strategically as a team rather than functionally. I split the exercise over a day and a half and the timings worked well. I would recommend that if you are working with a group of people that you know well, that you chose the members of each team wisely. Although the financial information is not too complex, it is beneficial to have someone with an accountancy or commercial background in each team. If working with teams of consisting of just accountants, I would suspect that you could shorten the time taken. It has face credibility as a training exercise at senior levels.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
Strategy Workshop framed around Hotel Doldrums
I used this series with a group of middle/senior managers from a variety of SME's - it was an open programme - and it worked very well. We used it across about 5hrs in total and it worked well - they worked through breaks and lunch to ensure that we got everything done - and they still really enjoyed the process. We left out the banker evaluations (as per the previous review) and it still worked well. This decision was made purely because of time constraints.
The data is not too much for them to take in and start working with and, as the trainer, I could quickly see who was "getting it" and who might be struggling more.
The key learnings the group shared from the exercise were:
Dont rush into determining your strategy - take time to collate the right data
Ask others - involvement breeds buy-in
Be creative in your strategy development - sometimes it has to be something radical to change direction
Conversley to the above point - sometimes, slight adjustment will bring rewards!
Agreeing a vision is tough - and if you are not part of the process, its easy to see how the statement can become "meaningless words on a page"
Its amazing how quickly you can get into something - they seemed fully engaged on running a hotel by the end of it.
Rosemary Taylor
rated this item with 5 stars.
This project management series was of unbelievable value, as it really got them working and participating. I believe that most participants are under the impression that they will attend a workshop/training and that they will only be listening. The SWOT analysis has so much detail that it is
almost impossible to miss details of your strategic planning process. The managers all recognized that the three difference hotels were different is specific ways, but the ideas that came out of it were
amazing. With the last hotel doldrum the participant needs to do a presentation - and among all the other learning points, one participant noticed that he need to work on his "presentation skills" and how to carry a message over to important people. Another great attribute is the financial details that are attached to the downloads. This provides the participant with a feeling of credibility and believability of the exercise they are busy with.
Previous Member
I have now run Hotel Doldrums twice as a 1 day team build exercise. Marketing Team
This team is quite large (24 in total) and is spread throughout the country. Their opportunity to spend time together as a team is limited. Also, the team manager knew some elements of the team very well and others hardly at all having ‘inherited’ them following a company take over. A big part of this team build day was to get to know each other on a personal as well as a business basis. I ran the exercise after going through some personality profiling. It was really powerful to see how people responded in their preferred behavioural style and perhaps even more so how their fellow team members recognised the behaviours!! Not surprisingly there was an abundance of creativity going around, when the analytical people tried to intervene there were some ‘clashes’ although always controlled, usually ending up in peels of laughter. It did, however, demonstrate the need to listen to all team members and give everyone the chance to contribute. A good learning for the stronger personalities in the group. Time management was an issue and gave the team manager an insight as to why and how deadlines sometimes slip. She left the session with a strategy for managing this within the team more effectively in the future.>p The meetings with the Bank Manager weren’t particularly successful. I’m not sure whether this was the way I positioned this aspect of the training or not. The overall feedback was that the meetings contributed very little and took away valuable time. A number of leaders emerged. Some based on personalities and others on expertise again demonstrating the advantages of having a good mix within the team. The need for a 3 month plan did give focus to think about the future. The team are often required to be reactive, rapid change being a trait in our industry. Having to plan in a structured way for the future was a useful learning and demonstrated how much control you get when you are able to do this. The final presentations were very light on financial information which was recognised as something of a problem given that they were for the bank manager!! Known your audience eh? There was much emphasis on how they would ‘pretty-up’ the respective hotels, what fun things they could offer and how they would improve the experience to encourage the return of guests. Not so much thought around what would happen if people didn’t return!! Glass half full perhaps? The most valuable things taken from the exercise were: Recognising and be able to utilise the strengths within the team. The importance of planning Thinking inside the box as well as outside it! Raising awareness of financial implications around the roles of the team members. Working as a team. Strategic Sales Team I ran the exercise again 4 weeks later with a smaller team of strategic sales people. This team have huge transformation in front of them due to changes in our business so it was good to give them a subject they were totally unfamiliar with. The team had slightly less time which proved a challenge and a learning point for me here is that a smaller team doesn’t necessarily mean less time. There was definitely a more financial focused approach and less creativity. As with the previous group the presentations ran over time neither groups having practised. They would argue they didn’t have time….I would argue they should have made time!!! Creativity was limited in this session and it highlighted the need to involve other areas and expertise within the business for the new challenges ahead. This team had a brand new manager who was eager to demonstrate his style. He joined in the exercise which proved really valuable and his team could see he would not ask them to do anything he wouldn’t or couldn’t do himself. We did not include the bank manager role this time and in all honesty I don’t think the exercise lost anything as a result. Again the need for a 3 month plan was very powerful and I would say that this was the most valuable aspect for both sessions. All in all, this is an excellent exercise with an incredible amount of learning from it. It has been a huge success and I will/would use it again and again.
Previous Member
rated this item with 3 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 180 minutes.
Aims: • To give participants the opportunity to identify and explore options and appraise these. • For participants to create a 3-5 year outline strategic plan based on the fictional case study they’ve been given.
This module follows on from Hotel Doldrums, part 1, and is not designed to be used as a stand-alone module.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 135 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 180 minutes for this module if working with 10-12 participants.
Aims: • To give participants the opportunity to identify and explore options and appraise these. • For participants to create a 3-5 year outline strategic plan based on the fictional case study they’ve been given.
Group Size: An ideal group size for this module is 12, with participants working in 3 teams of 4. If you have more than 15 participants in your group, you may want to consider ‘doubling up’ on some of the briefs with more than one team using the same scenario. This doesn’t detract from the learning; in fact it can be interesting to see how different teams approach the same problem and task.
Useful For: Staff at all levels including individuals, groups and teams that need to use strategic planning and analysis skills in the workplace.
You'll Need: Each team will a hotel data pack (provided) and a syndicate room or area.
Notes: Hotel Doldrums is a series of modules that are designed to be run in sequence. Together they form a complete 1.5 day workshop, which can be run as a single workshop, or as three independent sessions, each lasting between 2 and 4 hours. We’ve also suggested other modules you could add to the programme, if you have more time available. The modules, when used together, also draw out skills relating to business planning, problem solving, influencing, team working and making presentations.
Reviews |
I used this in conjunction with Part 1 and 3 as a two day Business Skills session for participants completing their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. A great team activity to encourage some strategic thinking and planning. The structure of the session makes it easy to follow and I added in some of the creative thinking tools and decision making tools from other Glasstap activities so everything came together really well. Having the materials all prepared is so easy and saved me so much time in my course preparation.
Ann Pemberton
rated this item with 5 stars.
This project management series was of unbelievable value, as it really got them working and participating. I believe that most participants are under the impression that they will attend a workshop/training and that they will only be listening. The SWOT analysis has so much detail that it is
almost impossible to miss details of your strategic planning process. The managers all recognized that the three difference hotels were different is specific ways, but the ideas that came out of it were
amazing. With the last hotel doldrum the participant needs to do a presentation - and among all the other learning points, one participant noticed that he need to work on his "presentation skills" and how to carry a message over to important people. Another great attribute is the financial details that are attached to the downloads. This provides the participant with a feeling of credibility and believability of the exercise they are busy with.
Previous Member
I have now run Hotel Doldrums twice as a 1 day team build exercise. Marketing Team
This team is quite large (24 in total) and is spread throughout the country. Their opportunity to spend time together as a team is limited. Also, the team manager knew some elements of the team very well and others hardly at all having ‘inherited’ them following a company take over. A big part of this team build day was to get to know each other on a personal as well as a business basis. I ran the exercise after going through some personality profiling. It was really powerful to see how people responded in their preferred behavioural style and perhaps even more so how their fellow team members recognised the behaviours!! Not surprisingly there was an abundance of creativity going around, when the analytical people tried to intervene there were some ‘clashes’ although always controlled, usually ending up in peels of laughter. It did, however, demonstrate the need to listen to all team members and give everyone the chance to contribute. A good learning for the stronger personalities in the group. Time management was an issue and gave the team manager an insight as to why and how deadlines sometimes slip. She left the session with a strategy for managing this within the team more effectively in the future.>p The meetings with the Bank Manager weren’t particularly successful. I’m not sure whether this was the way I positioned this aspect of the training or not. The overall feedback was that the meetings contributed very little and took away valuable time. A number of leaders emerged. Some based on personalities and others on expertise again demonstrating the advantages of having a good mix within the team. The need for a 3 month plan did give focus to think about the future. The team are often required to be reactive, rapid change being a trait in our industry. Having to plan in a structured way for the future was a useful learning and demonstrated how much control you get when you are able to do this. The final presentations were very light on financial information which was recognised as something of a problem given that they were for the bank manager!! Known your audience eh? There was much emphasis on how they would ‘pretty-up’ the respective hotels, what fun things they could offer and how they would improve the experience to encourage the return of guests. Not so much thought around what would happen if people didn’t return!! Glass half full perhaps? The most valuable things taken from the exercise were: Recognising and be able to utilise the strengths within the team. The importance of planning Thinking inside the box as well as outside it! Raising awareness of financial implications around the roles of the team members. Working as a team. Strategic Sales Team I ran the exercise again 4 weeks later with a smaller team of strategic sales people. This team have huge transformation in front of them due to changes in our business so it was good to give them a subject they were totally unfamiliar with. The team had slightly less time which proved a challenge and a learning point for me here is that a smaller team doesn’t necessarily mean less time. There was definitely a more financial focused approach and less creativity. As with the previous group the presentations ran over time neither groups having practised. They would argue they didn’t have time….I would argue they should have made time!!! Creativity was limited in this session and it highlighted the need to involve other areas and expertise within the business for the new challenges ahead. This team had a brand new manager who was eager to demonstrate his style. He joined in the exercise which proved really valuable and his team could see he would not ask them to do anything he wouldn’t or couldn’t do himself. We did not include the bank manager role this time and in all honesty I don’t think the exercise lost anything as a result. Again the need for a 3 month plan was very powerful and I would say that this was the most valuable aspect for both sessions. All in all, this is an excellent exercise with an incredible amount of learning from it. It has been a huge success and I will/would use it again and again.
Previous Member
rated this item with 3 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 240 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to develop a strategy from the options generated in previous sessions. • To encourage participants to prepare and give a persuasive presentation outlining their strategy and the work they have done. • To reflect on the learning from the Hotel Doldrums series of modules.
This module follows on from Hotel Doldrums, parts 1 and 2, and is not designed to be used as a stand-alone module.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 140 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 240 minutes for this module if working with 10-12 participants.
Aims: • To encourage participants to develop a strategy from the options generated in previous sessions. • To encourage participants to prepare and give a persuasive presentation outlining their strategy and the work they have done. • To reflect on the learning from the Hotel Doldrums series of modules.
Group Size: An ideal group size for this module is 12, with participants working in 3 teams of 4. If you have more than 15 participants in your group, you may want to consider ‘doubling up’ on some of the briefs with more than one team using the same scenario. This doesn’t detract from the learning; in fact it can be interesting to see how different teams approach the same problem and task.
Useful For: Staff at all levels including individuals, groups and teams that need to use strategic planning and analysis skills in the workplace.
You'll Need: Each team will a hotel data pack (provided) and a syndicate room or area.
Notes: Hotel Doldrums is a series of modules that are designed to be run in sequence. Together they form a complete 1.5 day workshop, which can be run as a single workshop, or as three independent sessions, each lasting between 2 and 4 hours. We’ve also suggested other modules you could add to the programme, if you have more time available. The modules, when used together, also draw out skills relating to business planning, problem solving, influencing, team working and making presentations.
Reviews |
I used this activities as part of a 2 day Business Skills Programme for participants on a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Scheme. Having completed part 1 and 2, this was a great way to end the session. Some great learning and an opportunity for them also to present and identify further development needs.
I kept it quite high level throughout so we didn't get too bogged down in the financials, focussing more on how they developed their ideas and presented them in a way that was helpful for their learning, so our bank managers adopted a more holistic approach and giving feedback based on some sound business ideas but also passion and energy!
A great activity and the materials saved me hours if not days in preparation time. The debrief questions were also helpful throughout to ensure we got lots of learning and practical application to take back to work.
Ann Pemberton
rated this item with 5 stars.
I facilitated this, along with Parts 1 and 2 at a recent leadership workshop for business owners. It was fantastic and they all really loved it. I ran all three parts in one day, so condensed it quite a bit (we had previously spent time on analysing a business and how to develop a strategy, so it was mostly a 'putting it all together' day). Due to their personalities and entrepreneurial nature, they wanted to jump straight to part 3, which provided a valuable lesson in itself! They all found it so useful and easy to relate it to their own businesses too.
Jennifer Lindsay-Finan
rated this item with 5 stars.
This project management series was of unbelievable value, as it really got them working and participating. I believe that most participants are under the impression that they will attend a workshop/training and that they will only be listening. The SWOT analysis has so much detail that it is
almost impossible to miss details of your strategic planning process. The managers all recognized that the three difference hotels were different is specific ways, but the ideas that came out of it were
amazing. With the last hotel doldrum the participant needs to do a presentation - and among all the other learning points, one participant noticed that he need to work on his "presentation skills" and how to carry a message over to important people. Another great attribute is the financial details that are attached to the downloads. This provides the participant with a feeling of credibility and believability of the exercise they are busy with.
Previous Member
I have now run Hotel Doldrums twice as a 1 day team build exercise. Marketing Team
This team is quite large (24 in total) and is spread throughout the country. Their opportunity to spend time together as a team is limited. Also, the team manager knew some elements of the team very well and others hardly at all having ‘inherited’ them following a company take over. A big part of this team build day was to get to know each other on a personal as well as a business basis. I ran the exercise after going through some personality profiling. It was really powerful to see how people responded in their preferred behavioural style and perhaps even more so how their fellow team members recognised the behaviours!! Not surprisingly there was an abundance of creativity going around, when the analytical people tried to intervene there were some ‘clashes’ although always controlled, usually ending up in peels of laughter. It did, however, demonstrate the need to listen to all team members and give everyone the chance to contribute. A good learning for the stronger personalities in the group. Time management was an issue and gave the team manager an insight as to why and how deadlines sometimes slip. She left the session with a strategy for managing this within the team more effectively in the future.>p The meetings with the Bank Manager weren’t particularly successful. I’m not sure whether this was the way I positioned this aspect of the training or not. The overall feedback was that the meetings contributed very little and took away valuable time. A number of leaders emerged. Some based on personalities and others on expertise again demonstrating the advantages of having a good mix within the team. The need for a 3 month plan did give focus to think about the future. The team are often required to be reactive, rapid change being a trait in our industry. Having to plan in a structured way for the future was a useful learning and demonstrated how much control you get when you are able to do this. The final presentations were very light on financial information which was recognised as something of a problem given that they were for the bank manager!! Known your audience eh? There was much emphasis on how they would ‘pretty-up’ the respective hotels, what fun things they could offer and how they would improve the experience to encourage the return of guests. Not so much thought around what would happen if people didn’t return!! Glass half full perhaps? The most valuable things taken from the exercise were: Recognising and be able to utilise the strengths within the team. The importance of planning Thinking inside the box as well as outside it! Raising awareness of financial implications around the roles of the team members. Working as a team. Strategic Sales Team I ran the exercise again 4 weeks later with a smaller team of strategic sales people. This team have huge transformation in front of them due to changes in our business so it was good to give them a subject they were totally unfamiliar with. The team had slightly less time which proved a challenge and a learning point for me here is that a smaller team doesn’t necessarily mean less time. There was definitely a more financial focused approach and less creativity. As with the previous group the presentations ran over time neither groups having practised. They would argue they didn’t have time….I would argue they should have made time!!! Creativity was limited in this session and it highlighted the need to involve other areas and expertise within the business for the new challenges ahead. This team had a brand new manager who was eager to demonstrate his style. He joined in the exercise which proved really valuable and his team could see he would not ask them to do anything he wouldn’t or couldn’t do himself. We did not include the bank manager role this time and in all honesty I don’t think the exercise lost anything as a result. Again the need for a 3 month plan was very powerful and I would say that this was the most valuable aspect for both sessions. All in all, this is an excellent exercise with an incredible amount of learning from it. It has been a huge success and I will/would use it again and again.
Previous Member
rated this item with 3 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To demonstrate a link between self-belief and results. • To encourage participants to consider the impact positivity has on their own performance and the performance of others.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 30 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To demonstrate a link between self-belief and results. • To encourage participants to consider the impact positivity has on their own performance and the performance of others.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 15 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A syndicate room, or separate area in which Team 1 can work. • A pack of 54 ‘Filing Frenzy’ cards for each team. • A stopwatch/timer. • You might like to use a bell or whistle to announce the start/end of the exercise.
Notes: This exercise may not be suitable for participants who are colour blind or visually impaired. However, in most cases anyone who falls into this category can still be involved. Ask them to observe/listen to the teams during the exercise, identifying effective and less effective behaviours in order to provide constructive feedback afterwards.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 35 minutes.
Aims: • To enable participants to consider the value and difficulty caused by organisational politics and political games. • To create an understanding that managers cannot avoid politics and so need to know the games in which they may – deliberately or inadvertently – be playing.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 35 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To enable participants to consider the value and difficulty caused by organisational politics and political games. • To create an understanding that managers cannot avoid politics, so need to know the games in which they may – deliberately or inadvertently – be playing.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with larger groups of up to almost any size. It tends not to work well with very small groups.
Useful For: All managers, but particularly those who are new to management and may not understand the political nature of organisations, including their own.
You'll Need: • Post-it notes, flipchart paper, scribble paper, pens and marker pens for each team.
Notes: This module works best if you set up the room ‘cabaret style’ – that is with table teams of between 4 and 8 people per table. This is the first in a series of three modules examining power and politics. It can be used on its own as a short session or with the other two to form a complete half day programme. Politics is often seen as a ‘dirty word’ by many people, or as one in which they have no interest. The purpose of this module is for the participants to recognise that divorcing themselves from politics is a decision that could affect them adversely – and is, in itself, a political act. To influence the direction an organisation is taking means people taking part in politics.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 80 minutes.
Aims: • To allow participants the opportunity to identify their own sources of power, to know which they need to develop and to have an action plan for doing this.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 80 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To allow participants the opportunity to identify their own sources of power, to know which they need to develop and to have an action plan for doing this.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 20 participants.
Useful For: All managers but especially those who are new to the management role and may feel that they have little power of their own to allow them to accomplish results.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module is the third in a series looking at influence, power and politics. Whilst this module can be run on its on, it will have more effect if used as a follow on to the work done in Influence 2 - Sources of Power. If you are running this module on its own and not as a follow-on, you will find it helpful to have looked at the five power sources identified in the Influence 2 - Sources of Power module before you begin.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 65 minutes.
Aims: • To provide participants with a way of understanding behaviour and improving communication. • To provide a very basic introduction to transactional analysis.
Time: The exercises in this module will take about 45 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 65 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To provide participants with a way of understanding behaviour and improving communication. • To provide a very basic introduction to transactional analysis.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff up to junior managers.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module is intended to provide a very simple introduction to transactional analysis, a theory developed by Eric Berne in the 1950s. If you are not familiar with transactional analysis you will need to read through all the notes carefully plus the additional material in the handout. Go through the exercises on your own first so that you can see the rationale. If you have time, try to observe the different types "in play" in your own interactions with people.
Endorsed by The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers, NASBTT.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
Great simple introduction to Transnational Analysis, helping individuals see what their dominant ego state may be and how they communicate may influence a particular response. I have used this for an introduction to management, communication skills and assertiveness courses. I also have two sets of three circles laminated and place them on the floor to get some movement through the ego states - gets people thinking about where they are communicating from and therefore what invitation they are giving others. Simple yet powerful!
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 5 stars.
Straight forward introduction to TA that you can pick up and
run with. The check for
understanding exercise is good as people can ‘see’ TA in action. And the
dominant states exercise was good.
Personally I added a little bit about the functional model
as I find it helps people get their minds around the positive and negative
parent and child states. But that
was easy to add into this activity.
The complementary or crossed communications exercise was helpful, and again
to make it a little more practical I gave them discs and sticks and got them to map out the transactions to
help their thinking process with each example. Found this worked well.
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 4 stars.
I used this material in a coaching workshop for managers. The exercise was used in the context of giving effective feedback and what problems may occur when our communication style is crossed rather than parallel to the person we’re working with. It is structured such that the topic of transactional analysis is very easy to understand and everyone was able to identify with the states of being an Adult, Child or Parent. It begins with an exercise to consider what your reactions would be in five situations - which you later come back to and label the state in which you responded – many people were surprised that many of their immediate reactions were very much in a Child state! I followed this exercise with a coaching role-play, where the manager had to give feedback to an ‘employee’ about his/her performance which helped the participants to use a more appropriate state when giving feedback.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants develop their negotiation skills and in particular their ability to establish their needs and wants, and those of the other party, prior to commencing negotiating.
Time: This game can be played in about 90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 120 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants develop their negotiation skills and in particular their ability to establish their needs and wants, and those of the other party, prior to commencing negotiating.
Skills and Behaviours Tested: Communication skills, leadership, negotiation, teamwork and collaboration, and problem solving.
Group Size: This exercise involves participants working in four teams. You’ll need a minimum of 2 participants in each team and a maximum of 6.
Useful For: Managers, and particularly those at a more senior level.
You'll Need: • Access to the Internet, to use our online scoring tool, necessary to assess teams’ performances and a printer to provide participants a copy of the results. (Only you will need this, not your participants.) • Plenty of space. Ideally each of your four teams will have a separate breakout room to work in. • A calculator for each team. • Highlighters, pens and pencils for each team. • A small prize for the winning team. • A bell (optional).
Notes: The exercise can also be used at the end of a training event focused on negotiation, allowing participants to apply new knowledge and skills.
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I have to agree with a previous reviewer that this exercise is a great concept, however it falls down because it is over complex. I have had a high degree of success using Glasstap Case Studies and Exercises with a team of capable Directors and Senior Managers, however "Jess Blonde" confused them and they failed to grasp the key points, getting somewhat lost in the film world details. However, I feel that with a clearer brief and fewer parameters for success, this could work well with senior people.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have enjoyed using products from Glasstap to date, however I'm sad to say that this one, Jess Blonde, did not work well with my group of 9 reasonably experienced negotiators today. The main issue - it's way too complex, so people spent most of the time trying to work out how on earth the film market works, and no where near enough time trying the negotiation tactics I'd been teaching them. As a result, it also went way over time. I did it in 4 chunks instead of all in one go, and I'd estimate it tool at least 3 hrs all up. Would love to see it reworked as a more simple version.
Rob Pyne
rated this item with 2 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants to consider how it feels to be different from the majority. • To encourage understanding of the sources of prejudicial feelings and ways of behaving that can make others feel uncomfortable.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing at least 50 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To help participants to consider how it feels to be different from the majority. • To encourage understanding of the sources of prejudicial feelings and ways of behaving that can make others feel uncomfortable.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 15 participants with enough to encourage discussion.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • To practise reading the scenario through several times to familiarise yourself before the session. (If your level of membership allows, there is an audio recording of the scenario in Trainers’ Library that you can use if you prefer not to read it aloud yourself.)
Notes: This exercise uses an imaginative method for raising awareness of prejudice and really gets participants thinking. It is important to use this activity within a diversity course in which ground rules of showing respect for individual opinions and experiences have been established. The content is potentially sensitive and it is important that the trainer monitors conversations during the group work to pick up on any intrusive questioning of minorities within the group, which could mirror the unhelpful behaviour described in the imaginary scenario. The module consists of four activities: Part 1: 1) Reading/Playing the scenario. 2) Discussion of the experience of imagining yourself into the scenario. 3) Input on where the attitudes and feelings may come from and the unhelpful behaviours that may follow. Part 2: 4) Discussion in groups of what the two sets of people in the scenario could do to encourage acceptance and integration.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I was sceptical about this one. Wasn’t sure how well it would go down. I used it with CEOs of voluntary organisations and was a little nervous how well they would buy into it. But it was fantastic. It was easy to implement and led to some great conversations – and was very simple to bring it back to how does this reflect our local community. I combined it with Minority Reports and The Witches of Glum to make a full session and they all worked brilliantly together. Then I added in a little TA and organisational cultures. Definitely one I’d recommend.
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the way underlying beliefs can drive behaviour. • To help participants to identify beliefs that they share even where the observable behaviours seem unusual.
Time: The exercises in this module will take about 75 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 90 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To explore the way underlying beliefs can drive behaviour. • To help participants to identify beliefs that they share even where the observable behaviours seem unusual.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants. The exercises work best with groups of 8 to 15. It can be used with smaller groups, but participants may be more reflective as they will have to explore their own beliefs and assumptions more.
Useful For: Teams, work groups and/or their leaders who wish to explore cultural differences between nationalities, age groups, or departments and organisations.
You'll Need: In addition to the Belief Cards and Team Brief, provided, you’ll need: • A pre-prepared sheet of flipchart paper with a rough diagram of an iceberg. • Sheets of coloured sticky dots for all participants. • A small pile of Post-it notes for each participant. • Five blank flipchart sheets, which should be fixed to the walls at various points around the room.
Notes: This module can be used as an introduction to diversity training as well as a team-building exercise. The activities explore different behaviours and beliefs without judgement so is ideal for organisations with cross-functional teams or cross-cultural business units.
Reviews |
Brilliant! The story examples were terrific and learners were intrigued enough to listen – wanting to know where I was going with it, but illustrated the point fabulously. And the Day in the Life of exercise was amazingly well received. People were so creative and the discussion afterwards lead to a brilliant example of people’s judgements about what was decadent/lazy or just part of being human. It was a terrific way to discuss
differences, judgement and behaviours in a safe way, and with laughter and
creativity. Everyone was positive about the exercise, feedback was great and unlike some equality/diversity training – no one felt preached at. Use this exercise!!!
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To provide participants an opportunity to review and ‘continuously’ improve their performance. • To illustrate the importance of a continuous improvement process. • To recognise behaviours that can get in the way of continuous improvement.
Time: This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To provide participants an opportunity to review and ‘continuously’ improve their performance. • To illustrate the importance of a continuous improvement process. • To recognise behaviours that can get in the way of continuous improvement.
Group Size: This activity can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Anyone.
You'll Need: • One of each of the three Puzzle Stars and set of letters for every team in play. • To cut out the missing letters for each of the Puzzle Stars and place each set in an envelope (or similar). • A stopwatch or timer for each team in play. • A small prize for the winning team (optional).
Notes: This activity works best when participants are split into teams of 2 or 3. There are two versions of this module – this one focuses on Continuous Improvement and the other version called ‘The Problem with Letters’ focuses on Problem Solving skills.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the challenge when solving a problem where a number of people are involved, particularly when those people may have other obligations that mean they can’t give your problem their complete attention.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To explore the challenge when solving a problem where a number of people are involved, particularly when those people may have other obligations that mean they can’t give your problem their complete attention.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size. Where you have more than 12 participants, you should consider splitting your group and running two versions of the exercise separately in tandem.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A stopwatch.
Notes: This exercise requires a minimum of 6 participants. Where you have more than 12 participants, you should consider splitting your group and running two versions of the exercise separately in tandem. It is important that all of the cards are distributed and that every participant has a card but some participants can receive more cards than others – in fact it’s better if they do.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.
Aims: • To provide a basic understanding of continuous improvement as a process and management tool. • To place continuous improvement in context through a participatory exercise.
Time: The exercises in this module will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 50 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To provide a basic understanding of continuous improvement as a process and management tool. • To place continuous improvement in context through a participatory exercise. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. Useful For: Staff at all levels. You'll Need: • Old newspapers and sticky tape - see notes. Notes: You will need a large pile of old newspapers and some reels of sticky tape for this exercise. You will also need to have made one "standard design" camel from folding or scrunching newspaper and using sticky tape. This camel should have discernible legs, a head and a hump; but does not have to be a work of art! The participants need to be able to roughly copy it (note - the exercise is about improving upon the original). Finally you need to make a baton from newspaper, which will be used to bat the camel along in the camel races. You will also require space to set up a track - this can usually be achieved by safely moving tables and chairs to the sides of the room. You may wish to have a supply of small prizes available for the camel race winners.
Reviews |
I have used this activity a couple of times to embed change management/continuous improvement and management principles. it has always been well received and staff have thoroughly enjoyed it. it allows staff to learn principles whilst having fun.
Donna Rodgers
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have use this activity a couple of times. Once I used with 40 people. We had 8 camels racing in 2 heats and then a grand final. As well as being fun and creative it made the point of continuous improvement. Also I adapted it to use on a team building event at a racecourse. One hump or two became one carrot or two. I had delegates race their horses passed the finish post at Plumpton Race Course.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 155 minutes.
Aims: • To provide participants with a simple but effective five stage method for planning a project or complex task.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 100 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 155 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To provide participants with a simple but effective five stage method for planning a project or complex task.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 24 participants. Ideally, you'll have an even number of participants so they can work in pairs.
Useful For: Anyone who needs to set up and/or commission and/or manage projects.
You'll Need: • Post-it notes.
Notes: There is nothing particularly complex or difficult about project planning; it simply requires a logical approach. If you are new to the topic, we suggest you take time to read and digest the pre-module reading. You might find it helpful to work through each of the stages yourself, using a project of your own - perhaps planning a course. Although you will have asked participants to bring the pre-module reading with them, in practice some will forget. It’s a good idea to have spare copies ready in case this happens. It’s a good idea to print more copies of the handouts than there are participants because these may be needed if someone has a particularly complex project to plan. We have suggested that you ask participants to work in pairs. However, this module could easily be adapted and used by a complete project team to plan one project. It is helpful if each pair has a table of their own where they can carry out the practical exercises. If you have a large group you will probably need a breakout room.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 80 minutes.
Aims: • To minimise the likelihood of crises and project failure through a simple risk analysis and contingency planning process.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 70 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 80 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To minimise the likelihood of crises and project failure through a simple risk analysis and contingency planning process.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 24 participants. Ideally, you'll have an even number of participants so they can work in pairs.
Useful For: Anyone who needs to set up and/or commission and/or manage projects.
You'll Need: • Post-it notes.
Notes: This is the second module in the Project Planning series, covering Risk Analysis and Contingency Planning. The first module, Project Planning – Part 1, must be run before this one. If you are running this module on a different date from the first module it would be sensible to remind participants to bring their completed project plan from the previous session to this one.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 70 minutes.
Aims: • To consider issues around communicating your project plan effectively and to create a communication plan.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 70 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To consider issues around communicating your project plan effectively and to create a communication plan.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Anyone who needs to set up and/or commission and/or manage projects.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This is the third module in the Project Planning series. The first two modules must be run before this one. If you are running this on a different date from the first two modules it would be sensible to remind participants to bring their completed project plan, risk analysis and contingency planning documents to this session. As with the previous sessions, you will probably need several copies of the handout per participant so make sure you have enough printed.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the background issues that affect remote teams. • To help participants recognise the challenge of working collaboratively when geographically separated. • To show the importance of establishing clear guidelines at the start of any project to ensure success.
Time: The exercises in this module take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 50 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To explore the background issues that affect remote teams. • To help participants recognise the challenge of working collaboratively when geographically separated. • To show the importance of establishing clear guidelines at the start of any project to ensure success. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. We do not recommend it for very large groups. Useful For: Those responsible for managing Remote Teams and those who currently work in Remote Teams. It is also particularly well suited to those that are about to start working remotely. You'll Need: • At least one set of the Rules for Remote Teams cards (larger groups will need multiple sets of these cards). You might like to laminate these so that they can be used again. Notes: This module is an excellent follow on to Working in Remote Teams.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims: • To welcome participants to the course. • To introduce the facilitator and participants to each other. • To discover the participants needs. • To encourage interaction and discussion. • To practise writing SMART objectives.
Time: The exercises in this module will take about 40 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 50-60 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To welcome participants to the course. • To introduce the facilitator and participants to each other. • To discover the participants needs. • To encourage interaction and discussion. • To practise writing SMART objectives.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Supervisors and above.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module provides a long introduction to courses, but is particularly useful where the concept of SMART objectives is important to the training being delivered. It provides an ideal introduction to performance management training for example.
Reviews |
I used this in a recent time management session and found it was the one area of the session that didn't excite. Most understood it therefore felt I was going over old ground. Not one of the more inspiring or creative sessions.
Previous Member
rated this item with 3 stars.
I used this session with a mixed experienced group of managers all from the same company. Surprisingly at the beginning of the session 8 out of 10 said they were familiar with setting SMART goals however at the end they all commented that they didn't really appreciated the value and had not been setting SMART goals or objectives. The exercise really got them thinking and although they found it challenging it made the points quickly.
Jayne Dark
rated this item with 4 stars.
We had an issue in that staff had been asked to ‘coach’ using SMART rather than a specific coaching model such as e.g. GROW. In practice they did neither, as they were not familiar with what SMART actually meant (broken down) and then HOW to make SMART work for them. I wanted to emphasise and familiarise people with what SMART actually is and how to use it appropriately. The module clearly outlines in some detail what the ‘specifics’ of SMART are, more importantly it offers a very clear exercise with numerous examples to reinforce the process. This was actually sufficient but I used the fact that was promoted ‘Specific works better in a financial situation’ to ensure two things happened – firstly that they could ensure that their ‘specific’ objective was in fact a realistic, tangible and measurable outcome. This made a huge difference to their choice of ‘specific’. The second result from this realisation which you can then reinforce is, that they actually then use SMART in support of a realistic business coaching outcome. Satisfying both the learning outcomes with which I was challenged at the very outset.
Previous Member
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to find things they have in common. • To consider the impact on relationships of finding common ground.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 30 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to find things they have in common. • To consider the impact on relationships of finding common ground.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This exercise can be used as an icebreaker, and can provide a particularly powerful introduction to sales or negotiation skills courses. It can also be used on equal opportunities and diversity programmes, where it can be used to highlight a potential barrier to equal opportunities. It can even be used to highlight one barrier to creativity and innovation within organisations. This is a great exercise for building rapport between participants and is particularly useful with a group that do not know each other very well.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
I used this module as part of a coffee break, after we had discussed Representational Systems. It was a great way to build on the benefits of matching language with more work on relationships and how this can be achieved relatively easily within a conversation. It prompted some excellent discussions and once again highlighted the benefit of building rapport. Again a very simple idea that can be adapted for many different types of workshops.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims: • To reflect on what needs to happen before, during and after any change/project. • To create a visual road map for change. • To reflect on the barriers to change and how these might be overcome. • To provide a framework for road mapping any change.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To reflect on what needs to happen before, during and after any change/project. • To create a visual road map for change. • To reflect on the barriers to change and how these might be overcome. • To provide a framework for road mapping any change.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Anyone involved in managing or implementing change or projects.
You'll Need: • Plenty of flipchart paper. • Road Sign Cards. (One set per team.) • Toy train (optional – see notes on page 4). • Flipchart pens, coloured pens/pencils etc. • You might like to provide magazines etc., from which they can cut pictures to include in their map.
Notes: The bridge is used to explore and consider the change journey, and the learning points can be effectively applied to any project.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to think about the extent to which staff feel engaged with the organisation they work for. • To consider who staff feel is responsible for business performance. • To think about how vision and values are used within the organisation. • To demonstrate how values can be ingrained in the organisation. • To consider the benefits of an organisation where staff feel engaged and responsible for the business outcomes.
Time: This exercise will take about 60 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 90 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to think about the extent to which staff feel engaged with the organisation they work for. • To consider who staff feel is responsible for business performance. • To think about how vision and values are used within the organisation. • To demonstrate how values can be ingrained in the organisation. • To consider the benefits of an organisation where staff feel engaged and responsible for the business outcomes.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Managers.
You'll Need: For this exercise you will need a good quantity of greeting card making materials. For example: Glue, Double sided tape or pads, Scissors, Card of various colours and textures, ribbon of various colours and gold/silver markers. You'll need enough materials for each team of 4-6 participants to make one 'template' card and one 'team' card of their own design.
Notes: This exercise was first used at the 2008 Trainers' Library Conference and has been designed around the five 'passions' that underpin our business. It's an unusually personal module that we've used to share some of the key principles and approaches that we believe have been key to the success of Glasstap. It's been added to Trainers' Library in response to requests from participants who attended the conference. You can use the five values we’ve suggested for the exercise to great effect, but the exercise can be easily adapted to your own organisation’s vision and values. However, we strongly recommend limiting the number of values used in this exercise to 6 or fewer. If your organisation doesn’t have a clear set of values or principles, you could use an exercise like ‘Feelings Cards’ to generate discussion around people’s values and to identify some possible organisational values for the future.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library called The E-Card Factory - Balancing Business with Values.
Reviews |
I used this as part of an induction program when participants were joining an organisation with a real passion for their values.
It was a good way to introduce the concept of values and why they matter. It enabled us to have an honest and open debate about what people really thought about values and was a creative way to tackle some quite interesting viewpoints in an open and constructive way.
Although the trainer notes say it is aimed at managers, I would say more junior members of staff would get value from it too (& possibly more so)
Frances Ferguson
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To identify the benefits and dangers of internal customer care programmes. • To reach agreement on how to define internal customer care as a desirable goal.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To identify the benefits and dangers of internal customer care programmes. • To reach agreement on how to define internal customer care as a desirable goal.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 95 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to critically review a meeting and identify areas for improvement. • To consider the key responsibilities of the Chair and other attendees at a meeting. • To help participants understand why conventions like an agenda and minutes are important. • To provide an opportunity for participants to practice facilitating and participating in a meeting.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 95 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to critically review a meeting and identify areas for improvement. • To consider the key responsibilities of the Chair and other attendees at a meeting. • To help participants understand why conventions like an agenda and minutes are important. • To provide an opportunity for participants to practice facilitating and participating in a meeting.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 24 participants, as long as suitable projection facilities are available to give everyone a clear view of the training video.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A computer and a means of connecting to a screen.
Notes: This module is designed to accompany the Glasstap film, ‘The Ineffective Meeting.’ This exercise involves a detailed look at a fictional meeting in order to identify what went wrong. If your level of membership doesn’t include the option to stream this video, you can purchase either a DVD. Alternatively, you may wish to consider using ‘The Monthly Meeting’ in Trainers’ Library, which uses a similar approach to this module, and covers similar learning points, but with a meeting transcript that participants can read.
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This has to be my favourite Glasstap training resource. The DVD is close to the reality of many meetings and this is why it works so well. The supporting materials may not be required for all delegates; I have found that tasking the delegates with a a specific action, such as designing a Meetings Charter, (to be posted on the intranet and on the door of training rooms), or putting together a proposal for their manager to review the structure of team meetings is a practical measure of learning transfer.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have completed this exercise with two groups of 10 managers over the last 6 months and both times the response from the delegates has been tremendous. Very quickly they were able to identify their weaknesses and what improvements they needed to make. There were a few embarrassed giggles at times as the video was a bit too close to home for some of them!! Thank you Glasstap. Jayne Dark
Jayne Dark
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.
Aims: • To explore the concept of an internal service chain. • To give participants the opportunity to map an internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 55 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 75 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To explore the concept of an internal service chain. • To give participants the opportunity to map an internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. Useful For: Staff at all levels. You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
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As this was a Team Dynamics event I then built on this with the Internal Service Chain as an example of firstly, how to make it work for their direct reports and then, how to extend it to their peers and colleagues as a useful building block. The key was the simplicity of the model. How to assess and understand what each person in the chain is responsible for, and then responsible to. Secondly, the impact of non-delivery by any one part on the wider team either side of them. I built this around feedback (here’s what has happened) and feedforward (here’s what I would like to see) to build and develop the relationships. I had previously used the ‘making a cup of tea’ to get them to appreciate how important it is to clearly define process but the GLASSTAP’s KITCHEN’s examples work equally well, just with more opportunities to work with and in a very different context (we are a call centre) but the principles and learning remain the same. This made it fun to participate in and it actually obliged them to think more closely around how they manage and influence those relationships either side of the chain to make it both efficient and effective an outcome.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to critically review a meeting and identify areas for improvement. • To consider the key responsibilities of the Chair and other attendees at a meeting. • To help participants understand why conventions like an agenda and minutes are important. • To provide an opportunity for participants to practice facilitating and participating in a meeting.
Time: The exercise in this module will take about 60 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 90 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to critically review a meeting and identify areas for improvement. • To consider the key responsibilities of the Chair and other attendees at a meeting. • To help participants understand why conventions like an agenda and minutes are important. • To provide an opportunity for participants to practice facilitating and participating in a meeting.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • Post-it notes.
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I have used this exercise as part of the Effective Team Meetings. After a discussion regarding the best and the worst team meetings they have ever been to I ask them to read through this exercise and then to role play it. When they have discovered how awful the meeting is they actually find it quite humorous and really get into their parts. We then have a discussion regarding why it was so bad and what they would do differently and how they would deal with the different characters.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 70 minutes.
Aims: • To help first time managers to recognise and discuss some of the things that they need to do to build awareness of the team and monitor its performance. • To help first time managers understand the importance of spotting potential problems quickly and taking appropriate action to help the team overcome these.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing at least 70 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To help first time managers to recognise and discuss some of the things that they need to do to build awareness of the team and monitor its performance. • To help first time managers understand the importance of spotting potential problems quickly and taking appropriate action to help the team overcome these.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 18.
Useful For: Teams, work groups and/or their leaders (especially first time managers) who wish to understand the elements of monitoring a team.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: This module can be usefully followed by any of the First Time Manager modules. It can also be a useful inclusion in any training intervention around coaching teams.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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I used this material as part of a management course about building an effective team. I included this as the introductory activity to get managers thinking about what role they play within a team. I was slightly worried some managers wouldn't buy-into an activity about farming but it actually worked very well and drew out some key learning points.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To demonstrate the importance of teamwork. • To show how, by working together, we have the potential to achieve more. • To encourage participants to consider the dangers of an overly competitive workplace culture.
Time: This game can be played in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 30 minutes.
Aims: • To demonstrate the importance of teamwork. • To show how, by working together, we have the potential to achieve more. • To encourage participants to consider the dangers of an overly competitive workplace culture.
Skills and Behaviours Tested: Teamwork, collaboration, leadership, avoiding assumptions and problem solving.
Group Size: A minimum of 2 participants are required for this exercise.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • A ‘The Wheel’ game board for each team. • One die and counter for every game board in play. • Prizes. (For example, a pile of wrapped sweets, or mini chocolate bars.) If playing the alternative version of the game you’ll need up to a maximum of 8 counters for every game board in play.
Notes: This module provides a superb introduction to any training around teamwork and co-operation/collaboration, and has been used successfully with participants at all levels within an organisation, from junior clerical staff to directors. It also provides an ideal introduction to training around the service chain, and internal customer care.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
This is one of my absolute favourite activities.
I recently used it with a new client where their leaders are working independently on their own business areas rather than coming together to drive the overall business forwards. Within a couple of minutes, it was amazing to see the penny drop with a few of them whilst others watched, confused... The debrief at the end was met with many "ahas" and a request to use the activity at their management conference with all their team leaders the following week. Such a simple, yet powerful activity to help leaders understand how much more they could achieve by coming together. It's now given us a language to support their ongoing cultural change journey.
Caroline Sargent
rated this item with 5 stars.
Thanks for your prompt response in dispatching the game pack. I used The Wheel for a training session with a focus on team collaboration. I grouped the participants into their departmental work groups and asked them to choose a colour to represent their department. I explained how they would move and how they could earn rewards. I used 10p pieces and told them each one represented £100 and the objective of the game was to raise as much money as possible. Dependant upon performance they would win a prize and as it was easter this was chocolate related (nothing like chocolate to motivate people it seems!!) Initially they all worked in silence and just focused on their own colour and were naturally competing with each other. After about 10 mins I asked them to stop and count up how much had been raised, followed by the question could they achieve more by working differently? A few people asked questions about if they could move each others counters and when they did this they raised more money in the same time. We linked this with the anagram TEAM together everyone achieves more. This experiential learning made a big impact on participants and in their feedback forms rated it as one of the most relevant and useful learning.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
This works very well to demonstrate that working together brings greater rewards. At some point during the game there is usually an 'aha' moment. As board games are not common here, it is tricky to give instructions in such a way that the participants understand the concept without telling them exactly how to play it. After every session, participants tell me they are going to play it at home with their families (very large) to instil the concept of family spirit!
Rachel Clayton
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.
Aims: • To see how creatively participants are able to address a simple challenge. • Understand the importance of ‘thinking outside the box’ to achieve even better results.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
Aims: • To see how creatively participants are able to address a simple challenge. • Understand the importance of ‘thinking outside the box’ to achieve even better results.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • An empty box for each team. • Building materials such as pipe cleaners, newspaper, paper clips, lollypop sticks, string, glue dots, paper straws and dried spaghetti. • 1 golf ball or hard-boiled egg per team, with an additional 6 to use for testing the bridges. • A separate room for each team. (If that is not possible, we encourage you to look for ways for the teams to shield their activities from the other participants.) • Post-it notes. • Flipchart paper and pens. • Several small prizes for the winning teams (optional).
Notes: You will need to prepare a box for each team containing an identical selection of the building materials of your choice. Each team will also need at least one golf ball or egg.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 180 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider different approaches to improving poor performance, and the relative merits of those different approaches. • To encourage participants to think about appropriate timescales over which they might expect to improve performance and standards. • To consider the implications of not taking action to improve poor performance.
Time: This exercise will take about 80 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 180 minutes to complete this module. Aims: • To encourage participants to consider different approaches to improving poor performance, and the relative merits of those different approaches. • To encourage participants to think about appropriate timescales over which they might expect to improve performance and standards. • To consider the implications of not taking action to improve poor performance. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants. Useful For: Managers, or those who soon will be. You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided. Notes: There are two different versions of the team brief for this exercise. For junior managers we recommend using version 1, which contains a list of actions that the managers could consider when dealing with the issues of poor performance. For more experienced managers, we recommend using version 2, which does not provide any clues about the type of action they could take and encourages them to come up with their own solutions. This module is ideally suited for inclusion in training around managing change. You can reduce the amount of time needed for this module by approximately 30 minutes by not requesting a formal presentation and simply asking each team instead to talk through its proposed actions. Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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Used this in a Leadership Development programme, following on from the Hungry Chick Inn Exercise. Modified it slightly so that rather than brainstorming performance solutions, we looked at performance conversations. Different members of the HR team took on the roles of the Chef, Receptionist and Head of Cleaning, and groups of 3 took turns in coaching each of them. Went down really well, and was great for practice and feedback.
Jane Butler
rated this item with 5 stars.
I felt moved to write a review on this exercise after running it yet again, very successfully yesterday. A full day of training on performance management can be challenging for those who are new to line management or are lacking in confidence in dealing with under performance; however as a post-lunch exercise this gives everyone the chance to test out their views safely in small groups, as well as getting everyone back into the subject in a practical and engaging way. I have used the exercise both by giving out and by not giving out the possible solutions at the beginning. My experience is that even the most junior managers come up with a number of actions unprompted and so I would generally not give the the extra information. However I would recommend this if you are short of time, as the discussions are much shorter and the exercise could be completed in around 30 -40 minutes.
Paula Cook
rated this item with 5 stars.
I ran this exercise as part of a performance management course. It's a good exercise to use after the lunch break as it gives the learners a practical situation outside their comfort zone (unless you work in hospitality) to be able to apply the theory and discussions from the morning session surrounding the performance management cycle. It's also a good way to identify any further issues that may need revisiting or require further clarity before the end of the day.
Nick Lennon-Barrett
This activity has been used as part of a Change Management course to clarify their learning. The activity makes them think about the problems at the Hungry Chick and what changes they would make. As there are employees involved it makes them think about how their decision would be made and how they would communicate any changes to their employee’s. I ran this with three different groups but they all came up with similar solutions to the issues.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to share information about themselves. • To discover more about participants and build rapport. • To consider the extent to which we communicate through body language.
Time: The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module. Aims: • To encourage participants to share information about themselves. • To discover more about participants and build rapport. • To consider the extent to which we communicate through body language. Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants. Useful For: Staff at all levels. You'll Need: Each participant will need to be provided with two cards. One with a large 'T' or 'True' written on it; the other with an 'F' or 'False' – available to download from Trainers’ Library. Notes: This exercise is ideally suited for use as an icebreaker for team training and teambuilding events. It can also provide an interesting introduction to any session on body language. It can even be used effectively to introduce equal opportunities/diversity training sessions.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
Reviews |
This icebreaker has been very popular. It’s a great way to find out things about your colleagues that you didn’t know before and it’s a good talking point for future conversations. This can be used as an introduction to any training and particularly works well for people who don’t know each other really well.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider whether they naturally tend towards aggressive, submissive or assertive behaviour. • To encourage participants to consider their reasons for choosing particular responses in common situations. • To encourage participants to reflect on the reasons for others choosing aggressive, submissive or assertive behaviour.
Time: This exercise will take about 30 minutes to complete (longer for large groups). In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes to complete this module.
Aims: • To encourage participants to consider whether they naturally tend towards aggressive, submissive or assertive behaviour. • To encourage participants to consider their reasons for choosing particular responses in common situations. • To encourage participants to reflect on the reasons for others choosing aggressive, submissive or assertive behaviour.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: Prior to running the exercise, print off one set of question cards for each team that you'll have, and enough answer cards to be able to give each participant one set of each: Yes, No, But, If, Unless, Because.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library - Yes But, No But! - Struggles with Assertiveness.
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I used to start a session at a women's day and this soon got people relaxed and sharing experiences and debating the actions that they would undertake. A really easy activity to use and great for getting discussion going.
Nicola Richardson
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this module in a dealing with conflict workshop. It was really useful to make the delegates think and reflect on why in certain situations they are submissive, assertive or aggressive. After completing the exercise I showed the conflict resolution video which helped them think about how they could modify their their approach/behaviour to ensure that both their own needs and rights and those of others are respected.
Shirley Palmer
rated this item with 5 stars.
I was slightly sceptical about whether my audience would be receptive to this activity but I’m so glad I used it. It really helped people to think about their own tendencies and why some delegates felt they could not be assertive. I used it as the opening activity in my Assertiveness training and this worked really well to get delegates to think about the difference between passive, assertive and aggressive.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 5 stars.
I recently downloaded and use ‘Yes but, no but – seeking a win win in day-to-day situations’, as part of my Assertiveness Skills training course. Apart from me being able to put a slide up of Vicky Pollard, which made the group laugh, the activity was really well received. The feedback for the group was that it got them thinking about what they would do and learn about what other individuals would do in certain situations. The said that is made them realise that sometimes they were too aggressive or passive, but other times they did actually assert themselves and with this info they could analyse why they acted that way when faced with certain problems, and how other react as well. They informed me that due to this activitiy they would actually stop and think next time and an choose to act assertively or not. The only problem with this activity is that the group did not want to stop doing it, so it lasted a lot longer than planned, but hey, if they are enjoying themselves whilst they learn who am I to interfere.
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.