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Performance Management Icebreakers and Energisers

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Performance management encompasses everything from the performance of individuals and departments to the whole organisation. Participants will discover how linking personal goals to those held by the organisation increases motivation and engagement, as well as productivity and profitability.

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An Eggs-acting Challenge - Creating a Winning Strategy

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To provide participants with a challenge that tests participants’ abilities to work together to solve a problem.


This exercise will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes for completion.

• To provide participants with a challenge that tests participants’ abilities to work together to solve a problem.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of any size.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels, especially those working together in teams (or who soon will be).

You'll Need:
• Plenty of clear space for the activity and a way of marking the start and finish line of the racetrack.

And for each team:
• Two postal tubes (stoppers removed).
• Two golf balls.
• Six eggs.
• A flipchart pen.

This training activity can get messy, so it is best run outside in an open space.

You should also check if any participants have an allergy to eggs. If so, they can assist you in observing.

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Anagram Line Up!

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To energise a group.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together quickly to solve a simple problem.
• To introduce the concept of continuous improvement.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To energise a group.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together quickly to solve a simple problem.
• To introduce the concept of continuous improvement.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
All participants.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This simple activity is one you can return to several times in your training to demonstrate the principles of continuous improvement.

Provided you have more than one team, this activity adds an extra dimension to the remote delivery module, ‘Hands Up, Line Up!’ by encouraging participants to reflect on how a silo mentality might impact continuous improvement.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
The Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library is called ‘Hands Up, Line Up!’.

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Assumptions - The Witches of Glum

In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.

• To understand the importance of listening skills.
• To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions.
• To provoke discussion about prejudices and stereotypes.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.

• To understand the importance of listening skills.
• To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions.
• To provoke discussion about prejudices and stereotypes.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size. This module is also suitable for remote/virtual delivery – see separate note.

You'll Need:
• Pens and paper for every participant.
• The audio recording of the story, which can be streamed from Trainers’ Library if you prefer not to read it aloud yourself.

If reading the story to participants, we suggest that you rehearse reading the story aloud a few times prior to delivery.

This module has been endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card.

"Having used the Witches of Glum activity for many years as part of our anti-racism training, we are yet to find an activity that so clearly and successfully demonstrates the power of external influence and unconscious bias on every single one of us. Not only is it suitable to use as a fun introduction to a very challenging topic such as racism, it is also extremely versatile and accessible to a wide range of ages. We will continue using Witches of Glum to challenge stereotypes and assumptions and would recommend it to anyone who wants to deliver a fun and engaging, but meaningful activity. This is a brilliant exercise and a fundamental part of our training!"
Show Racism The Red Card

For more information about the great work this charity is doing to educate against racism, visit

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Change Management Word Search

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To encourage participants to think about many of the key things that need to be in place and considered in order to ensure change is managed successfully.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To encourage participants to think about many of the key things that need to be in place and considered in order to ensure change is managed successfully.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of any size.

You'll Need:
• A printed copy of the large (A3) Trainer version of the Word Search grid provided, affixed to a flipchart.

The time required for this exercise depends on how much time you want to allow for discussion about the significance of the key phrases found. A small prize for the winning team would be nice, though not essential.

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Christmas Gifts - Reviewing and Learning

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To encourage participants to reflect on challenges they’ve faced and identify what they’ve learnt from them.


This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To encourage participants to reflect on challenges they’ve faced and identify what they’ve learnt from them.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This activity was written as a way to reflect on and move forward from the pandemic of 2020. However, it can be easily adapted and used not just to review a year, but, for example, a challenging experience or significant change that participants have been through. This can be a useful way to launch training around resilience, change or a planning session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Colour Confusion for Accuracy - Testing Accuracy Under Pressure

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To explore how accurate participants can be when working under pressure.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To explore how accurate participants can be when working under pressure.

Group Size:
Can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One set of the Name, Colour and Shape Cards per team, which you will need to cut out beforehand.

This is a more demanding version of the Colour Confusion activity that can be used as a follow-on.

This game is best played in teams with 2-3 participants in each.

Please note, this exercise may not be suitable if you have participants who suffer from colour-blindness, or who are visually impaired.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Course Introduction - A Basic Introduction to Training Events

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To welcome the participants.
• To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other.
• To introduce the facilities.
• To agree the course objectives and timetable.


This exercise will take about 25 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To welcome the participants.
• To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other.
• To introduce the facilities.
• To agree the course objectives and timetable.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
Nothing, other than the materials provided.

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Handout (Word)

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Extra Colour Confusion - Creating a Strategy for Success

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To test participants accuracy under pressure when working in teams.
• To reflect on how they could have improved their performance.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To test participants accuracy under pressure when working in teams.
• To reflect on how they could have improved their performance.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One set of the Name Cards per team, which you will need to cut out beforehand.
• The PowerPoint slides of challenges, provided.

This game is best played in teams with 3-5 participants in each.

Please note, this exercise may not be suitable if you have participants who suffer from colour-blindness, or who are visually impaired.

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Name Cards

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Feelings Towards Change

In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.

• To explore your participants’ response to change and the factors that drive it.


The exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.

• To explore your participants’ response to change and the factors that drive it.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Five red and five green sticky dots for each participant.

You will need to have pre-prepared flipcharts with the statements listed as per the handout.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Handout (Word)

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Filing Frenzy! - High Speed Accuracy

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To provide participants the opportunity to practice their attention to detail and accuracy skills when under ever increasing pressure.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To provide participants the opportunity to practice their attention to detail and accuracy skills when under ever increasing pressure.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• One set of 180 Filing Frenzy shape cards and instruction cards 1 and 4 for each team (see set up notes).
• A stopwatch or timer.
• A whistle or bell (optional).
• A prize for the winning team (optional).


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Getting an Accurate Picture - Can You Spot the Difference?

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To test participants’ attention to detail.
• To explore how patience and persistence can help when tasks are detail orientated.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To test participants’ attention to detail.
• To explore how patience and persistence can help when tasks are detail orientated.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

Available to Essential
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Answer Sheet

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Goldilocks - A Listening Exercise

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To test listening skills.
• To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions.
• To encourage participants to think about how they can check their understanding of information they receive.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. (You may wish to take more time for larger groups or where you want to explore some of the learning in more detail.)

• To test listening skills.
• To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions.
• To encourage participants to think about how they can check their understanding of information they receive.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size. It is possible to use this exercise in conference situations as well as more usual training interventions like courses and workshops.

You'll Need:
• A pre-prepared flipchart of the statements from the handout (hidden from view until required).
• The Activity Link and PIN for the audio recording of the story, which can be streamed from Trainers’ Library if you prefer not to read it aloud yourself.

If reading the story to participants, we suggest that you rehearse reading the story aloud a few times prior to delivery.

If You Like This Training Exercise:
You’ll LOVE ‘The Witches of Glum’ which is also available from Trainers’ Library. ‘The Witches of Glum’ has been endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card for its ability to make participants think about prejudice and stereotypes. To find out more about the great work this charity is doing to educate against racism, visit

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Golf Ball Challenge - Tactical Teamwork

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To test participants’ abilities to work together to complete a challenge.


This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To test participants’ abilities to work together to complete a challenge.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels, especially those working together in teams (or who soon will be).

You'll Need:
• Plenty of clear space for the activity and a way of marking the start and finish line of the racetrack. (Outside is best.)

And for each team:
• Two postal tubes (stoppers removed).
• A golf ball.
• A flipchart pen.

A small prize for the winning team would be a nice touch.

For a similar activity, with a different approach, you might like to look at An Eggs-acting Challenge - Creating a Winning Strategy.

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Improving Team Performance - Creative Brainstorming

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To develop participant’s brainstorming skills.
• To identify what changes participants would like to see within their team/department.
• To explore how participants can make those changes possible.


This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes for completion.

• To develop participant’s brainstorming skills.
• To identify what changes participants would like to see within their team/department.
• To explore how participants can make those changes possible.

Group Size:
This icebreaker can be used with groups of up to 24 participants.

Useful For:
Existing teams.

You'll Need:
• Flipchart paper and pens.
• Enough green sticky dots for participants to have three each. (If you are unable to source sticky dots, a green marker pen for every participant will work too.)

This module is designed for situations where your participants work together in the same team. It can be run as a stand-alone exercise on brainstorming, or as part of a session looking to develop the continuous improvement skills of a team.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Joining the Dots - Testing Teamwork and Accuracy

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To test the accuracy levels of your participants.
• To explore how well participants can work together as a team.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To test the accuracy levels of your participants.
• To explore how well participants can work together as a team.

Group Size:
Can be used with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• A copy of the handout provided and a set of coloured pens/pencils for every team.
• A prize for the winning team (optional).

We suggest that you try solving the challenge yourself before the session, so you can see how it’s done. It will also help you give hints and tips to participants as they complete the exercise.

Please note, although we have included symbols to aid participants who suffer from colour-blindness, this exercise may not be suitable for those who are visually impaired.


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Knowing Me, Knowing You - Unconscious Bias

In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.

• To raise awareness of how quickly we draw conclusions about other people.
• Understand the impact unconscious bias has on our interactions with others.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.

• To raise awareness of how quickly we draw conclusions about other people.
• Understand the impact unconscious bias has on our interactions with others.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This exercise works best if your participants don’t know you very well.

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Handout (Word)

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Life Story - A Test of Listening Skills

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To encourage participants to share information about each other.
• To test participant's listening and recall skills.
• To briefly explore barriers to listening.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To encourage participants to share information about each other.
• To test participant's listening and recall skills.
• To briefly explore barriers to listening.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

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My Role in the Team - Work v Home

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To explore how participants perceive their role in the team and if they adopt a similar approach away from work.
• To explore how their colleagues perceive their own roles in the team and if this differs away from work.
• To understand the importance of diversity of skills and abilities within a successful team.


This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To explore how participants perceive their role in the team and if they adopt a similar approach away from work.
• To explore how their colleagues perceive their own roles in the team and if this differs away from work.
• To understand the importance of diversity of skills and abilities within a successful team.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with pre-existing teams of up to 15 team members.

You'll Need:
• One set of My Role Cards per 8 participants, blu tack and flipchart.

This exercise is designed for pre-existing teams, especially if they need to work more effectively together.


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Pieland Fling - Improving Communication

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To test participants communication in a fun way and identify areas for improvement.
• To consider the impact poor communication can have on performance levels.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To test participants communication in a fun way and identify areas for improvement.
• To consider the impact poor communication can have on performance levels.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A bucket (or a bowl if space is limited).
• A timer/stopwatch.
• A flipchart to record the scores.

And for each pair of participants:
• A blindfold.
• 6 soft balls (or tiddlywinks/counters if space is limited). (Each pair must have six balls/counters of the same colour.)

If space is limited, substitute the bucket and soft balls for a bowl and tiddlywinks/counters.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Procrastination - A Hot Topic

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To give participants an opportunity to feel for themselves how stressful procrastination can be.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion (see notes).

• To give participants an opportunity to feel for themselves how stressful procrastination can be.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Enough identical, plain wrapped chocolates, for there to be one per participant.
• A jug of water and a glass (on standby for dramatic effect).

This module involves a simple ‘side’ activity that continues throughout the workshop/course with the discussion at the end.

Chocolate coins will work well for this exercise as they just need to be simple pieces of plain or milk chocolate that look identical, but your participants will think something quite different.

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Pulling in Different Directions

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To explore the positive impact of assertive communication when working with others.
• To describe how communication helped or hindered their problem solving.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To explore the positive impact of assertive communication when working with others.
• To describe how communication helped or hindered their problem solving.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• A length of rope. (We suggest around 1 metre per participant.)
• A blindfold for each participant.

If using this exercise with very large groups, you will need volunteers to take part and the remaining participants act as observers.

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Questions, Questions - An Exercise in Effective Communication

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To encourage participants to gather information about each other.
• To illustrate the importance and benefit of open questions when gathering information.
• To illustrate the uses of closed questions.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To encourage participants to gather information about each other.
• To illustrate the importance and benefit of open questions when gathering information.
• To illustrate the uses of closed questions.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This exercise will take longer the larger the group.

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Roadblocks - What’s in the Way of Success?

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To identify key areas of concern to participants.
• To help identify key priorities and learning objectives.
• To discuss what barriers to success the training might help participants overcome.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To identify key areas of concern to participants.
• To help identify key priorities and learning objectives.
• To discuss what barriers to success the training might help participants overcome.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• One set of Road Signs cards for each team in play.

This activity can be used a starting point for any behaviour-based training and is a powerful way to explore participants’ current perceptions and concerns that the training might help them address.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Road Sign Cards

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Sorting Out - Why Objectives Matter

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To help participants to understand why clear objectives and goals matter.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To help participants to understand why clear objectives and goals matter.

Group Size:
This exercise is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• One set of Sorting Out Shape Cards per two participants.
• A stopwatch.
• A buzzer or bell to signal when their time is up.

Filing Frenzy card packs are available to purchase – each pack contains 10 sets of the shape cards used in this activity.


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The Art of Teamwork

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To explore how participants see their role in the team.
• To allow participants to share what they think they personally contribute to the team.
• To understand the importance of diversity within a successful team.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To explore how participants see their role in the team.
• To allow participants to share what they think they personally contribute to the team.
• To understand the importance of diversity within a successful team.

Group Size:
Can be used with groups of up to 24 participants.

Useful For:
Pre-existing teams.

You'll Need:
• Flipchart paper and pens for each participant.

This exercise is designed for pre-existing teams, and especially those that may need to work more effectively together.

If you have more than 10 participants, you may need to allow extra time for this activity.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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The Cracked Pot - The Balancing Act of Performance Management

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To explore the impact on the wider team if under performance isn't effectively addressed.
• To understand why performance management is also about effectively using all the skills within their team.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To explore the impact on the wider team if under performance isn't effectively addressed.
• To understand why performance management is also about effectively using all the skills within their team.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.


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The Problem with Letters - Testing Problem Solving Skills

In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.

• To test participant’s problem-solving skills.
• To explore the different behaviours employed when solving problems.
• To identify how these behaviours can impact team performance.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.

• To test participant’s problem-solving skills.
• To explore the different behaviours employed when solving problems.
• To identify how these behaviours can impact team performance.

Group Size:
This icebreaker can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One Puzzle Star and set of letters for every team in play.
• To cut out the missing letters for each of the Puzzle Stars required and place each set in an envelope (or similar).
• A small prize for the winning team (optional).

This icebreaker works best when participants are split into teams of 2 or 3. It is fine for different teams to have the same puzzle.

There is another module which uses the same activity as this but in a different way. This icebreaker focuses on Problem Solving skills, whereas the other is a course module, ‘Letters Get Better’, which focuses on Continuous Improvement.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Too Close? - Benefits of a Wider Perspective

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To illustrate, in a fun way, the problem with being too close to a situation or problem.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 10 minutes to complete this module.

• To illustrate, in a fun way, the problem with being too close to a situation or problem.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• A small prize for the winner would be a nice addition to this exercise.

The PowerPoint will automatically move to the next slide after a minute.


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Why Feedback Matters

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To demonstrate the difference effective feedback can make to someone’s performance.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 20 minutes for this module.

• To demonstrate the difference effective feedback can make to someone’s performance.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants. Ideally, you'll have at least 4 participants though, so that you can demonstrate the 4 types of feedback described.

Useful For:
Anyone who needs to give or receive feedback.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This is a great way to demonstrate the difference it can make when feedback is given effectively. During the role-play element it is advisable to select with care the people who will be receiving the different types of feedback. It is also advisable to explain clearly at the start of the exercise that it will involve you role-playing different types of feedback.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Handout (Word)

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Trainer Notes (Word)

Counts as 1 download.

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