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Responding to Written Complaints


The exercises in this module will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 60 minutes to complete this module.

• To encourage participants to think about the importance of written complaints.
• To provide a simple model for drafting an appropriate response to a complaint.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to practise writing responses to customer complaints.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff up to supervisor level.

You'll Need:
Nothing other than the materials provided.

We have provided 4 fictional written complaints, which can be used if real examples can't be made available, (together with a suggested response for each) but the exercise will probably be of more benefit if participants can draft responses to complaints that are relevant to their team/department/organisation.

We recommend therefore that for the practical element of this module, you gather some examples of written complaints received by your organisation (try to have a mix of letters, emails or social media postings). You should pre-prepare these by removing any information that identifies the customer and/or a particular member of staff.

Before running this module, please familiarise yourself with the handout and make sure you understand the structure used. The suggested responses to our fictional written complaints will help in your preparation.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.