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Sheep Trail - An Exercise in Communication and Continuous Improvement


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.

• To test participants’ planning and communication skills.
• To demonstrate the importance of listening and using summary and clarification to check understanding.
• To consider what makes communication effective and the dangers of getting it wrong.
• To energise a group of participants.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• The Team Brief and appropriate Activity Links together with your unique PIN ready to send to the Team Leaders (Shepherds).

The timings shown above are based on giving the team(s) one attempt to complete a route around the course.

However, you might like to give teams the opportunity to review their performance and have another go, either immediately, or later in the training, particularly if you want to link this activity to continuous improvement.

For each additional attempt, allow a further 30 minutes.

We’ve provided three different Route Maps for this activity, each of which is progressively more difficult. If you plan on giving participants just one attempt to complete the task, we recommend using Route 1/Activity Link 1 (the simplest) or Route 2 on Activity Link 2.

If teams will have more than one opportunity to attempt the challenge, use a progressively difficult map in each subsequent round.

You might like to have small prizes for the winning/successful teams.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required for larger groups).
• The system you use must also give participants the ability to annotate a file shared on screen with a ‘Stamp’, similar to that provided in Zoom.

Special Note of Thanks:
We would like to thank our customers, Bharti Dekate and the team at We Are Ideas Consulting in Mumbai, India for the enormous help and generosity in designing this remote delivery version of Glasstap Sheep Trials.