This exercise will take about 45 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 75 minutes to complete this module.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to practise their coaching skills.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to practise using the GROW model.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to practise questioning, listening and summarising.
Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants.
Useful For:
Supervisors and managers.
You'll Need:
• A room with sufficient space for participants to work in pairs and hold a coaching conversation.
• Copies of the coach and coachee briefings - one of each for each participant.
This is one of a series of modules that provide an in-depth introduction to Workplace Coaching. We recommend these modules together.
If you have not already run the module called Workplace Coaching - The How, you will need to give participants the handout before running the exercise and explain the GROW model/process to them. If you need more information on this, please refer to "Workplace Coaching - The How".
Endorsed by The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers, NASBTT.