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Employee Engagement 2 - Job or Organisation?


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 70 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 105 minutes for this module.

• To encourage managers to identify the factors that will make their teams feel that they value the organisation they work for and are valued in return.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 3 and 20 participants.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)

You'll Need:
No additional materials are required but the final part of the exercise requires space for participants to move around the room.

The exercises allow space for participants to reflect on the engagement of a team of up to 15 employees. If their team is bigger than this, encourage them to think about their best and worst performing team members.

Whilst this module can be run as a stand-alone exercise, it is most powerful when used with the other exercises in the Employee Engagement series. This complete course can be run in one day or in 4 bite-sized sessions.


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