Although not a new concept, the matrix is a very effective way to encourage participants to consider their priorities. The participant handout is useful as a self-directed activity if running a modular programme.
Deborah Wain
rated this item with 4 stars.
This is a great activity - I normally only use the first part, It really forces people to choose priorities wisely, based on their own to do lists which most individuals find challenging and gets them thinking about not putting everything in to the B catergory which is so easily done.
Anjana Rajani
rated this item with 4 stars.
I really enjoyed the easiness of this exercise, and the teams loved the ABC prioritising matrix. They found they could put it straight into practice and relate to it in their job role.
Jennifer Stevens
rated this item with 5 stars.
I used this on a time management session and found it a relevant way of explaining how they could manage their time effectively. The ABC was appreciated more than the matrix but the D's were found to be something quick to put into effect.
Previous Member
rated this item with 4 stars.
I used this session as part of a Basic Time Management training session. Although I didn't used the ABC matrix, the delegates found the urgent/important matrix very useful indeed and it really helped them to self-reflect about how much time they focus in each quadrant. Very useful.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 4 stars.
This has been something I’m often asked for at the moment. I found the ABC system was far better received than the
matrix system. Some people were used to categorising the importance of their tasks, but forcing them to re-categorise some activities rather than sit on the fence, was new to most of the people I’ve work with and it did get them thinking much more critically. Virtually, everyone I’ve used this with has found the matrix system to be overkill and it nearly put one group ‘right off’. I’ve stopped using the matrix part but focused on the ABC and blended it with Stephen Covey’s work. Personally, I’m much happier delivering that way.
Nicky McCrudden
rated this item with 2 stars.
I recently used this exercise within a 'Managing Your Time' workshop I ran for administrative staff and managers. I found the trainer notes extremely easy to understand and it fitted perfectly with the course aims. The delegates fed-back that they appreciated how the exercise offered different tools for prioritising tasks and that this gave them some alternative options to the normal 'to-do list'.
Tracy Barlow
rated this item with 4 stars.