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What can Trainers' Library do for Me?

A Practical Demonstration

Join us for a 40-minute practical demonstration that will show you how Trainers’ Library can help your Learning and Development function become more agile, and deliver powerful results using less time and money.

Discover how to:
  • Reduce the time needed to design and write new training materials by more than 80%.
  • Dramatically increase your delivery to design ratio, increasing the performance and productivity of your training team.
  • Deliver training that learners remember, are inspired by, and act upon, with a practical demonstration.
  • Navigate your way around Trainers' Library and find the right materials for face to face or remote delivery.
  • Use our e-learning and video content to create a truly blended approach to learning.
This session combines an explanation of our design principles, a practical demonstration of some of our shorter training activities and a tour of Trainers’ Library, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions about how Trainers’ Library will make a difference to your organisation at the end.

To enable this to be a truly experiential opportunity to learn about Trainers’ Library, each demo is limited to 10 participants.

Next Demonstration Session:

Date & TimeEvent DetailsAvailable Places 
Online using Zoom. 1 Reserve
your Place!
Online using Zoom. 12 Reserve
your Place!
Online using Zoom. 13 Reserve
your Place!

We also offer in-house Train the Trainer training, tailored to your needs. Click here to enquire.