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Internal Customer Care Remote Delivery - Course Modules

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Outstanding customer care, whether internal or external, is simply good business and providing excellent service to external customers is dependent upon effective internal customer service. Our activities help participants understand the importance of excellent communication and a shared vision to enable everyone to work cooperatively and productively together to achieve common goals.

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AIDing Feedback (Why Do I Always Get Them?) (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 70 minutes.

• To define what effective feedback is.
• To introduce participants to the AID model for giving feedback.
• To give participants an opportunity to practise giving feedback using the AID model.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 70 minutes for this module.

• To define what effective feedback is.
• To introduce participants to the AID model for giving feedback.
• To give participants an opportunity to practise giving feedback using the AID model.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• The film: ‘Why Do I Always Get Them?’. (If you don’t have a Trainers’ Library membership that includes the option to stream this film, members can purchase a DVD of the film from Trainers' Library.)

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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An Alien Challenge - Getting the Questions Right (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of asking a mix of open and closed questions to gain a clear and accurate understanding of a situation.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To demonstrate the importance of asking a mix of open and closed questions to gain a clear and accurate understanding of a situation.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• All three of the Activity Links in Trainers’ Library and your Activity Link PIN from the My Account section of the member homepage.
• To decide how participants will send their questions to you. (Normally this will be by email or text.)

This can be a very useful exercise for salespeople, or anyone who needs to select and ask great questions in order to effectively gather information.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Barriers to Internal Customer Care (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To identify what gets in the way of internal customer service.
• To consider ways to reduce or eliminate the barriers to internal customer care.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To identify what gets in the way of internal customer service.
• To consider ways to reduce or eliminate the barriers to internal customer care.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link and your PIN.
• To have created a blank Miro board (though you can use a whiteboard if you prefer).

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Activity Link

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Brand Reflection - How are we seen?

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To reflect on how a team or organisation is viewed by its employees and customers.
• To consider a team or organisation’s strengths and weaknesses.
• To generate discussion about how to develop strengths and overcome weaknesses.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To reflect on how a team or organisation is viewed by its employees and customers.
• To consider a team or organisation’s strengths and weaknesses.
• To generate discussion about how to develop strengths and overcome weaknesses.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Managers at all levels and/or their teams.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link provided and your unique PIN.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Activity Link

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Breaking Out of Our Boxes (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To highlight the absurdity of categorising people by one shared characteristic.
• To illustrate how putting people in boxes highlights differences.
• To highlight the similarities between people that unite us.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.

• To highlight the absurdity of categorising people by one shared characteristic.
• To illustrate how putting people in boxes highlights differences.
• To highlight the similarities between people that unite us.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 7 and 12 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels

You'll Need:
• To prepare a whiteboard before the session, following the guidance provided. We recommend using Miro.

Recommended for groups of 7 or more, though you might be able to use it with slightly smaller teams initially separated into two distinct groups.

If you can, find out enough from your participants before they attend to be able to put them into three or four groups of about equal size. We suggest grouping your participants by any of these:
• Gender.
• Where they were born (For example, North or South, City, Town or Rural).
• Level of education.
• Age.

Do not group participants by ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc.

This exercise shamelessly borrows from and is inspired by this brilliant film, directed by Asger Leth.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

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Building Rapport with Colleagues (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of taking a step back and understanding our role in the relationships we have with others at work.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To demonstrate the importance of taking a step back and understanding our role in the relationships we have with others at work.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff up to supervisor/team leader level.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Coaching and Counselling - Remaining Neutral (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To consider the pitfalls and dangers of giving advice when helping staff solve their own problems.
• To consider the dangers of making judgements or assumptions about the nature of someone else’s problem.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To consider the pitfalls and dangers of giving advice when helping staff solve their own problems.
• To consider the dangers of making judgements or assumptions about the nature of someone else’s problem.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Managers and team leaders.

You'll Need:
• To create the poll in advance of the training session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Communicating Without Body Language (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 35 minutes.

• To demonstrate the significance of body language in communication.
• To encourage participants to think about the difficulties the lack of body language creates when communicating by telephone.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 35 minutes for this module.

• To demonstrate the significance of body language in communication.
• To encourage participants to think about the difficulties the lack of body language creates when communicating by telephone.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

The subjects used in the exercise are deliberately controversial so it is advisable that you do not pair people together who you believe may struggle to get along together.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (not required).


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Difficult Conversations - And How to Plan for Them (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To show participants a five-step model that will help them establish the need for a difficult conversation and plan for a successful outcome.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To show participants a five-step model that will help them establish the need for a difficult conversation and plan for a successful outcome.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Handout (Word)

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Dinner Party Mayhem - Managing Other Teams (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To create a situation where participants from one team have to manage/oversee the work of another involved in the same project, whilst completing their own tasks.
• To test leadership, information gathering and listening skills.
• To consider the pros and cons of different management approaches, particularly in times of change.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To create a situation where participants from one team have to manage/oversee the work of another involved in the same project, whilst completing their own tasks.
• To test leadership, information gathering and listening skills.
• To consider the pros and cons of different management approaches, particularly in times of change.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Please note that this activity uses the ability to leave breakout rooms and return to the main session available in Zoom, and the host’s ability to move people between breakout rooms. You may need to adapt this exercise if using a different system with different functionality.

As well as useful in programs concerned with project management and change, this exercise can also be used as a general communication exercise, or in training concerned with internal customer care.

You will need between 4 and 12 participants for this exercise.

It can be helpful to have a co-host for this activity, though it’s not essential.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Emotional Intelligence - Awareness of Others and Empathy (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 100 minutes.

• To develop an understanding of the importance of awareness of others, the second strand of emotional intelligence.
• To allow participants to practice empathy as a skill.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 80 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 100 minutes for this module.

• To develop an understanding of the importance of awareness of others, the second strand of emotional intelligence.
• To allow participants to practice empathy as a skill.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module forms Part 2 of a two-part introduction to emotional intelligence. This part examines interpersonal intelligence – being able to distinguish other people’s emotions, moods and temperaments.

Emotional Intelligence – Self Awareness looks at intra-personal intelligence - self-awareness and the ability to notice and regulate or manage our own emotional state or mood.

This module can also be used alone, for example as part of a customer service skills course, to explore the importance and value of empathy as a skill.

Before using this module, it is important to have an understanding of emotional intelligence and the effects of discussing it with a group of participants. You will find Mike Bagshaw’s Article in Trainer’s Library useful for this.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


Employee Engagement 4 - Building Engagement (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those that will have imminently).

It is advisable to start this exercise without too much introduction – just hand out the briefings and let them get on with it.

Whilst this works very well as a stand-alone exercise, we thoroughly recommend using it in conjunction with Employee Engagement 1, Employee Engagement 2 and Employee Engagement 3. .

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).
• Collaborative Whiteboard (required).


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Equality and Equity - What’s the Difference? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To explore equality and equity mean to participants and whether there is a difference.
• To explore what equality and equity mean to others.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To explore equality and equity mean to participants and whether there is a difference.
• To explore what equality and equity mean to others.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This activity was developed by Dr. Gary R. Smith, Trainer, Express Employment Professionals, Inc.— for Express offices in Knoxville, Alcoa, Morristown, Cleveland, Crossville, LaFollette, Rogersville, Sweetwater, Maryville, Roane County, Clinton, Dayton, Sparta, and Sevierville, Tennessee, USA.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
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Find Your Team - Work Groups or Teams? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To explore the differences between a team and work group.
• To help participants identify when a team or group is required.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 90 minutes for this module.

• To explore the differences between a team and work group.
• To help participants identify when a team or group is required.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Teams, work groups and/or their leaders who wish to explore the current organisation and management of the group.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.


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Firm Management ...or Bullying? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To explore the differences between bullying behaviour and that of firm management.
• To understand the impact of organisational culture and norms on managers’ behaviour.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To explore the differences between bullying behaviour and that of firm management.
• To understand the impact of organisational culture and norms on managers’ behaviour.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Supervisors, team leaders and managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Different countries have different definitions of workplace bullying. You will find it helpful to check for yourself the current definition and any legislation or best practice guidelines applicable to your country and to have these available to share with your participants.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes.
• Breakout Rooms are essential for this module.

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Handout (Word)

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Flenda’s Tale - Understanding Our Impact on the Behaviour of Others (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To help participants understand the impact of their behaviours on others and the part they can play in developing and improving difficult relationships at work.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 20 minutes for this module.

• To help participants understand the impact of their behaviours on others and the part they can play in developing and improving difficult relationships at work.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Everyone who interacts with others at work.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.


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Handling Internal Customers Assertively (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To explore the difference between Assertive Behaviour and more Passive or Aggressive approaches.
• To understand how to deal assertively with internal customers and colleagues.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To explore the difference between Assertive Behaviour and more Passive or Aggressive approaches.
• To understand how to deal assertively with internal customers and colleagues.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• To create a poll before the training session as per the Trainer’s Handout.

Before running this activity, review the scenarios in Handout 1 and decide what you think is the appropriate action for your participants to take.

There are two versions of this module – this one for internal customers and another where the examples are focused on external customers.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Internal Service Chain - Practical Application

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To give participants the opportunity to map a real internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To give participants the opportunity to map a real internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This follow on to Internal Service Chain – The Garden Studio, is designed for use where participants work for the same organisation and provides a practical application of the learning from that module.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required - unless working with a group of 6 or fewer).

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Internal Service Chain - The Garden Studio

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To explore the concept of an internal service chain.
• To give participants the opportunity to map an internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To explore the concept of an internal service chain.
• To give participants the opportunity to map an internal service chain and identify critical internal relationships.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 8 to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels, including managers and senior managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This activity uses functionality available in Zoom, which may not be available in other solutions – specifically the ability to move participants from one breakout room to another.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Activity Link

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Land of the Nutritos - Experiences of Minority Groups (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To help participants to consider how it feels to be different from the majority.
• To encourage understanding of the sources of prejudicial feelings and ways of behaving that can make others feel uncomfortable.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To help participants to consider how it feels to be different from the majority.
• To encourage understanding of the sources of prejudicial feelings and ways of behaving that can make others feel uncomfortable.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link in Trainers’ Library.
• Your Activity Link PIN from the My Account section of the member homepage.

This exercise uses an imaginative method for raising awareness of prejudice and really gets participants thinking.

It’s important to use this activity in a training environment where ground rules of showing respect for individual opinions and experiences have been established. The content is potentially sensitive, and it is important that the trainer monitors conversations during the group work to pick up on any intrusive questioning of minorities within the group, which could mirror the unhelpful behaviour described in the imaginary scenario.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Onwards and Upwards - Moving Forward with Resilience

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To consider the journey that participants have been on and where they are now.
• To consider where they would like to be.
• To identify the changes participants can make to help them reach that destination resiliently.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 90 minutes for this module.

• To consider the journey that participants have been on and where they are now.
• To consider where they would like to be.
• To identify the changes participants can make to help them reach that destination resiliently.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
This module is ideally suited for use in an established team that have been through a transformational change. It is not recommended for use with individuals who have or are going through a personally traumatic experience, where professional counselling, or other external support is likely to be appropriate. Always consider where in the change curve people are and whether they are emotionally ready to reflect on the experience they have been through before using this module. If they are still in the Shock or Anger phases of emotional response, this module is unlikely to be useful. (For more information on this, please refer to Sarah’s Change.)

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This is an ideal follow on to Keys to Resilience. It was developed in response to the pandemic of 2020 but may be useful in a range of situations where teams are experiencing, or have experienced, transformational change. It challenges the perception of wanting to get back to how things were before and encourages participants to reflect on the whole journey, what they’ve learnt and what they want to take with them on the next leg.

This is a long session, which can be split by a break where indicated.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Planning an Improvement

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To identify improvements that can be made.
• To identify things that need to be taken into consideration when planning continuous improvement activities.
• To plan one improvement that can be implemented in the workplace.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To identify improvements that can be made.
• To identify things that need to be taken into consideration when planning continuous improvement activities.
• To plan one improvement that can be implemented in the workplace.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Remote Rules - Managing or Working in Remote Teams (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To explore the background issues that affect remote teams.
• To help participants recognise the challenge of working collaboratively when geographically separated.
• To show the importance of establishing clear guidelines at the start of any project to ensure success.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To explore the background issues that affect remote teams.
• To help participants recognise the challenge of working collaboratively when geographically separated.
• To show the importance of establishing clear guidelines at the start of any project to ensure success.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Those who currently work in Remote Teams. It is also particularly well suited to those that are about to start working remotely. It is best run with complete teams, but you could also run it with those responsible for managing a Remote Team.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module is an excellent follow on to Working in Remote Teams.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.


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Remote Teams - Bridging the Gap Between Us (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To encourage participants to think about how they can develop and maintain a real sense of teamwork, even when people are physically distanced.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To encourage participants to think about how they can develop and maintain a real sense of teamwork, even when people are physically distanced.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Whilst this module is useful to anyone who works in a remote team, or will be in the future, it perhaps works best when run with a complete team of remote workers (including their manager), as they’ll be able to more easily develop and action the ideas generated.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Remote Teams - Engaging with Technology (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To encourage participants to think about the technology that will help remote teams to be effective and how to use it appropriately.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To encourage participants to think about the technology that will help remote teams to be effective and how to use it appropriately.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
This module is best run with a complete team of remote workers and their manager.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

The Glasstap team have been working successfully as a remote team from at least 6 different locations, for more than 10 years. Collectively, we have more than 55 years’ experience of remote team working. In this series of modules, we’ve used that experience to help you help other teams and their managers make the transition to remote working, or build on the foundations already in place.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.

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Revolting Restaurant - Teamwork and Conflict Resolution

In total we estimate this exercise will take 80 minutes.

• To give participants insight into the destructive nature of a blame culture.
• To demonstrate the importance of empathy in conflict resolution.
• To take participants on a journey from conflict to understanding and conflict resolution.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 80 minutes for this module.

• To give participants insight into the destructive nature of a blame culture.
• To demonstrate the importance of empathy in conflict resolution.
• To take participants on a journey from conflict to understanding and conflict resolution.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Anyone who needs to work with other teams and/or manages conflict or misunderstanding across teams.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

You’ll need a minimum of 6 participants. This version of the classroom module Restaurant Revolution is adapted for virtual delivery.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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SMART Objectives - Practice (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To provide an opportunity for managers to practise writing objectives that are SMART.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To provide an opportunity for managers to practise writing objectives that are SMART.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those that will have imminently).

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

For participants who don’t already know what SMART means, we recommend running Objectives - Introducing SMART first.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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The Mentoring Relationship - Development and Conclusion

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To consider the role the mentor in terms of evaluation, facilitation and motivation.
• To provide a structure of mentoring meetings.
• To consider when it’s the right time to end the mentor-protégé relationship.
• To consider how to review the success of the mentor-protégé relationship when it ends.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To consider the role the mentor in terms of evaluation, facilitation and motivation.
• To provide a structure of mentoring meetings.
• To consider when it’s the right time to end the mentor-protégé relationship.
• To consider how to review the success of the mentor-protégé relationship when it ends.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Both mentors and protégés at any level.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

We recommend running The Mentoring Relationship – Foundations before this module.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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The Shopping List - An Exercise in Unconscious Bias (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To demonstrate how our own beliefs, values and past experiences affect how we perceive people and situations.
• To raise awareness of how often unconscious bias impacts upon our perceptions of others.
• To understand the impact of unconscious bias on our interactions with others and the decisions we take.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.

• To demonstrate how our own beliefs, values and past experiences affect how we perceive people and situations.
• To raise awareness of how often unconscious bias impacts upon our perceptions of others.
• To understand the impact of unconscious bias on our interactions with others and the decisions we take.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (required).


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Types of Question - Recognising the Differences

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To enable participants to recognise the different types of questions used in communication.
• To help participants understand when to use different types for maximum effect.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.

• To enable participants to recognise the different types of questions used in communication.
• To help participants understand when to use different types for maximum effect.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Most likely to be suitable for junior staff up to supervisor level.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link in Trainers’ Library.
• Your Activity Link PIN from the My Account section of the member homepage.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Understanding and Managing Emotions

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To raise participants’ awareness of their emotional reaction to other people’s behaviour.
• To explore strategies for managing our own and other people’s emotional responses.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To raise participants’ awareness of their emotional reaction to other people’s behaviour.
• To explore strategies for managing our own and other people’s emotional responses.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

We recommend using Miro for this session, but you could use an inbuilt Whiteboard if you prefer.

We’ve created a simple guide for using Miro, which can be downloaded from the Articles section of Trainers’ Library – Using Miro.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

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What’s ‘Normal’ Here? - Introduction to Neurodiversity (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To explore differences within a group of people.
• To encourage people to recognise and be comfortable with differences.
• To begin conversations about the support we can provide others and the support we might like to request from others.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To explore differences within a group of people.
• To encourage people to recognise and be comfortable with differences.
• To begin conversations about the support we can provide others and the support we might like to request from others.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

This activity requires a series of white boards where participants can add post-it notes and move these around. We recommend using Miro or a suitable alternative solution for this activity.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (not required unless you have more than 6 participants).
• Collaborative Whiteboard (required).


Which Shelf Are You On? - Labels and Assumptions (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To encourage people to reflect on the assumptions we make and the labels we attach to people.
• To understand that there is more to people than what we see on the surface.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 30 minutes for this module.

• To encourage people to reflect on the assumptions we make and the labels we attach to people.
• To understand that there is more to people than what we see on the surface.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. However, it is not suitable for 1-1 use.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (essential).

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Working in Remote Teams (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To identify key things required for remote teams to work successfully together.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 30 minutes for this module.

• To identify key things required for remote teams to work successfully together.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Those who currently work in Remote Teams. It is also particularly well suited to those that are about to start working remotely. It is best run with complete teams, but you could also run it with those responsible for managing a Remote Team.

This is a useful icebreaker/introduction to remote working for those who haven’t worked in remote teams before, or for those who want to strengthen their remote teams.

You might wish to follow this module up with Remote Rules.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.

Available to Essential
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Handout (Word)

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