This exercise will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes for completion.
• To provide participants with a challenge that tests participants’ abilities to work together to solve a problem.
Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of any size.
Useful For:
Staff at all levels, especially those working together in teams (or who soon will be).
You'll Need:
• Plenty of clear space for the activity and a way of marking the start and finish line of the racetrack.
And for each team:
• Two postal tubes (stoppers removed).
• Two golf balls.
• Six eggs.
• A flipchart pen.
This training activity can get messy, so it is best run outside in an open space.
You should also check if any participants have an allergy to eggs. If so, they can assist you in observing.